Percy and Patches

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Real names:

Percy: Penelope

Patches: Peter

(they dont know each others' real names so they just call each other by their work names)

(theyre detectives btw)

Time To Start!


"Do you really want this?" He asked me, his voice unsure. "I don't want to hurt you, Percy... You're so important to me..."

I completely understood him. But I don't think he understands me. He didn't know how bad I wanted this. I just wanted to feel him, all over. I look into his eyes, watching him. I don't speak for a few seconds.

"Yes, Patches," I say, my voice huskier than usual. My arousal was getting to me, and soon I wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer. "Please."

He bit his lip, and looked to the side, avoiding my eye contact. I gripped his shoulder, making him look at me. "It's alright. I've been saving myself for you, this whole time." I smile softly, tracing his frame with my index finger. He fearfully shivers at my touch, and that only made him more attractive.

"Percy, I don't know... The press is after us, if they find us here..." He looks as if he's becoming more unsure by the second. That is a quick rate. I'll be sure to distract him to the best of my abilities.

"You're already on top of me." I state. "We're on a bed, I'm half naked, and all you want to talk about is the press?"

Patches exhales, and looks at me again, desire in his eyes. I'm finally getting to him.

"So I guess I'll be the one topping?" He asks me, a smirk on his face. That's the Patches I know and love so much.

"I don't care anymore, Patches, just take me!" I pulled his face down to mine, and our lips crashed together. I bury my hands in his hair, inhaling his scent of forest, and cologne. He smiled into the kiss, and pulled away. I let him lead, because we've never gone this far before. It excited me, even more.

Patches grabbed my breasts roughly, and never in a million years would I even dream myself making the sound I just made. He moved his thumbs in circular movements around my nipples, hardening them. I moaned, new to this feeling. I closed my eyes, knowing that Patches was enjoying this.

The agony of him laying kisses everywhere, and not giving me what I really, truly wanted was unbearable! When he finally managed to finish, I was a panting mess.

"Is that all you've got?" I ask him, a slight smirk on my face.

"As long as you want to go farther, Percy." Patches put his face into my neck licking me there. He bit me in that spot, causing me to gasp. He was going to leave a mark on me. The thought of it made me giddy.

I snapped out of my lusty haze for a second, thinking of him too. I wanted him to receive as well as I was.

"Patches, are you feeling anything?" I ask him, interrupting him from giving me a fourth love bite.

"Don't worry, Percy. Tonight's about you," He responds, looking into my eyes with a smile. I can't help but feel bad that he might not be getting anything from this.

I place my hands on the waistband of his pajama trousers, not entirely looking at him. He gasps at my touch. I begin to pull them down, but he stops me.

"Wait." He tells me, taking my hand in his. "Percy, I'm not- we're not- we can't-"

"I need this." I beg him. "I need you." I look at him pleadingly. "Don't you want me too?" I slip my other hand in between his thighs, feeling for his length. It was there, obviously.

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