Part 1

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I wrote this ala James Joyce style. It came out as a sort of patois.  The words that are connected together are purposely connected.

The Threshold

We are barelyconnected at times to the world around us, and not until something quitetraumatic happens do we truly remember what matters most. Our happiness and purpose is what take usfrom being just you and I, to creating a name for ourselves in a world ofechoes and no voice. I wonder sometimes as I begin to see the world around me,how so many people are just stuck in their routine and how something withinthem hasn't called them out to do more. I sit and I wonder, I sit and I wonder,wonder, wonder.

One smile that lightsup the room captures my attention, because that smile says everything I need toknow. I go up to greet her and ask her name, to which she replies "Ciara" butit's pronounced "See Ahr- Uh". I watch her as she greets each person she passesin the room. Her dress flows as if gravity itself is defied by the very essenceof her being. She seems to barely be grazing the floor. I was a boy of 7 andshe was just as old as I was. I rememberher now, because she changed everything for me. She changed the world.

It all happens in a moment. Change that is. Before we knowit, we learn after slowly acquiring knowledge day by day. Before we know it, weunderstand, after slowly trying to comprehend what it is that is going onbefore our own eyes and within our hearts. And before we know it, we are inlove, after slowly falling until we have crossed that threshold, the one thatkept us in the safe zone, the concrete. It all becomes a part of us and with what we learn, what we understand,and what we love, we become who we are and it changes us forever.

I don't know much about emotions, as I am only 7 years old,but this girl has just changed everything I once believed to be true. Girlsaren't icky at all, they are rather pleasant and I am not disgusted by her verybeing, on the contrary, I am drawn to her. Thank goodness my friends aren't hereto mock me and witness my plight. Allthe faces around us looked the same, nothing was different, except her. I wanted to be with her, I wanted to knowwhat it was, who she was, but I stepped back and then I stepped back again, andI continued until I could see her as just one light in a room of darkness. Fromafar, I could see her much better. I sawhow she would be the reason for everything that would lead to what I will tellyou about in these next few verses of poetry in book form.

My name is Zev, but that is not relevant, for right now I amjust another shadow hiding living adjacent to the world of lights that Ciarahad inside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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