Chapter 1

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(Princess Bubblegum)

Princess Bubblegum just wanted to sleep, but she couldn't close her eyes. The shadows lurking around her room mocked her by twisting and dancing in her peripheral vision. The teased her about her fear of the dark, her fear of being alone. She rolled onto her back to face to ceiling. Bubblegum ran her fingers over the crinkles and folds of her light purple duvet and imagined hills and valleys. The remnants of a song her creator used to sing her echoed in her mind, but she couldn't grasp the lyrics, only the rhythm of his words. She stared into the pale pink ceiling, littered with glow in the dark stars and planets. 52 to be exact, for Bubblegum always has trouble sleeping and finds herself counting them over and over. She pretends she's watching the days events splay onto the ceiling of her gilded prison like a movie. She pretends to see herself step out of bed and climb into another horrible dress. She watches herself stress over mountains of paperwork, and paint on a facade to please guests, only to force herself to more paperwork. That's how every day goes. Paperwork, fake smiles stretched wide and paperwork. All in those itchy damned dresses.
Oh how she wanted a change of pace. Or maybe, just maybe a friend. Even the thought of a friend hurts. Every princess learns near immediately, you can't have friends. They all are money hungry and greedy. Talking to someone, sharing your secrets is forbidden because they could be shared and ruin everything you've been building. Princess Bubblegum is even weary of Finn and Jake, for all she knows they just want the fame. Hell, they were just nobodys until they befriended the princess. No one knew their names and now everyone looks up to them. Maybe they planned it, maybe they didn't, but it's too great a risk to hope for the latter. Bubblegum grits her teethe and tries to get rid of these thoughts. To convince herself for the millionth time she needs no one. And for the millionth time, she loses her battle against loneliness. Against the inevitable pain. So, for the millionth times she pushes herself upright and swings her legs off the bed. She stands and begins to walk towards her bathroom. The wooden floor bites her feet with cold and sharpens her senses, and her need. She pushes open the dark wood door and steps into the cool, dark room. Her fingers glide over the wallpaper, skidding their way to light switch. She flicks the switch upward before bracing herself, and is knocked to her knees by the sudden brightness invading the room. Once the teenage princess recovers she sits upright, remaining on her knees. She opens the bottom drawer, and without looking in, she skids her fingertips over the contents until she finds it. The cold metal. She tenderly wraps her fingers around it and takes it from the drawer. She places it upon her pale, scarred thigh, exposed by her boxer shorts, and admires the pencil sharpener blade. The light glances of the reddish brown surface, stained by blood and rust. Pain and regret. Bubblegum had been cutting for a few months now and she hated it. She hated the need, the craving. The loneliness so intense she feels empty. She hated the shallow wounds and the blood dotting her skin. She hated how powerless she felt at the blades shining edge and she hated the sting that kept her up at night. What she hated most though, was how much she felt she needed it all. She felt as though she were so empty the only way she'd ever feel again was if it were physical pain. So that is why she gripped the small blade so tightly. That is why she pressed the black band tee she always wore to. Bed against the blood. That is why she fell to the bathroom floor, sobbing. But she drew herself up. She tried to go back to bed, but she fell at it's side, blinded by tears. She tilted her face, filled with again to her glow in the dark universe. She stared into it's depths and whispered in a broken, raspy voice,
"My glob I'm so alone."

Thanks for reading, I plan to update soon.

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