Chapter 25

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A branch whips at Bubblegum's knees twists and knots digging into her shins, her arms. This bruising, scratching branch is followed by another, and another. Thin streaks of blood trails on her arms and legs as she panted and begged with fogged breath. Her sobs, stuttered and deformed burned in her throat, raw from the cold night air. A stumble, a swagger, a broken plea all the same broken sounds in the same indifferent night. The moonlight highlights the scars on Bubblegum, hundreds of memories of scarlet nights not unlike the on current. She had to reach Marceline, she had to save her. She knew now, what she didn't before. She knew that the cool in Marceline's cheeks was a reflection of Bubblegum's love. The warmth that replaced the chill on Marceline's now flushed skin was proof of a transformation almost unheard of. From monster to human, only triggered by mutual love. And bubblegum had fucked it up, merely because she wanted to safe face. Because she was embarrassed to have partaken in a same-sex relationship. The regression of such a transformation, the undoing would kill Marceline. And it would be Bubblegum's fault.

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