Chapter 1: I Don't Want to Transmigrate into a Different World! (1)

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After being forcefully pushed in front of a speeding truck by his supposed friend, he knew he was dead. His death was unexpected; it was not exactly what he had envisioned to happen on their casual walk together, but denials, grievances, and regrets did not pass his mind— honestly, feeling any one of those things cost too much energy on his part. No amount of crying, yelling, or screaming will change the fact that he had probably turned into a sack of skin, broken bones, and pulverized meat in the real world.

He heard his friend yell out to him after he got hit. At the moment, Tanaka found it rather funny, considering that he was the one who pushed him. Furthermore, he should have known that Tanaka would be just too lazy to try to resist. The other had to literally drag him out of his parent's house just to have their little walk n' talk near the street in the first place.

Alas, regardless of his friend's inept moment of carelessness, Tanaka was dead. So why deny it?

At least, he was supposed to be dead. He was dead until a strange... vacuum-like feeling overcame him. Like being forced by one of his more outgoing friends to some big public event, only to suffocate under the pressure of being squished between several larger and taller bodies that didn't seem to care for personal space, drowning him under the waves of their excitement and enthusiasm. Frankly, it wasn't the peaceful afterlife many religions had preached it to be. It was a terrible experience on his... body? Soul? Goddammit, couldn't he just rest in peace?! What was the point in dying a quick death then?! He never asked to be bothered by some kind of supernatural power!

As his eyes squinted out of disorientation, and before he knew what was happening, he suddenly found himself... getting scolded. Or, it seemed that he was in the middle of getting scolded, judging by the cold and darkening face of the middle-aged man in front of him. The man in front of him was definitely not Japanese (or Asian for that matter) with their general dark-brown to black hair and the smoother features of Asian men.

The older man in front of him had sharper angles and broader shoulders with bright blond hair that had faint traces of grey and white. There were some indistinctive wrinkles, which further told Tanaka a little about the other's age. The once-dead young man couldn't help but be reminded of those western European nobles he would see occasionally visiting Japan, considering the design of the other's clothes and the foreign language he was speaking.

It sounded like it could be one of those Latin-based languages... But while Tanaka could recognize a few of them, this one was unfamiliar to him... Although he found that he understood it anyway. And why was the man in front of him so big?

Tanaka looked down momentarily, subconsciously aware that he was sitting on some cushioned chair, only to find that the hands laid across his lap were three times smaller than his own... Wait... were these his hands?

He flexed them to confirm his thoughts.

His legs were a lot shorter as well... Did that mean that he was three times smaller than his usual size? Did he... is he a child? How old is he? If he's young, then he's probably in trouble for breaking something fragile or something equally as childish...

"Thomas." The voice was frigid and stiff, demanding and strict. "Did you hear a single word of what I just said?"

Tanaka (aka Thomas, apparently) snapped his head back up towards the older man but stayed silent, his eyes hazy but deep and lucid. The man paused for a minute as if momentarily startled by something, but continued on despite the tightness of his expression.

"You are a member of the Rosetta Lineage, one of the most prestigious names in the kingdom. If other nobles saw your scores, what would they think of us?" The other lifted up a thin sheet of paper in his hands and Tanaka had to subtly crane his head upward to figure out what was written. It seems like... a report card... full of Bs. Huh, not bad. He didn't get what the older man was complaining about and... was that 'magical theorem' as one of the subjects? What?

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