Chapter 2: I Don't Want to Transmigrate into a Different World! (2)

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Author's Note:

The reception for this story turned out rather good (in my opinion, I'm rather cheap in a way), so I'll go ahead and give out the second chapter.


Tanaka wasn't surprised to find his new so-called 'family' just finishing up the last of their meal. Their dishes had mostly been cleared off and now they were spending the rest of the time idling in each other's company. Having little to no feelings or relations to the people in front of him, he wasn't bothered by being outside of their small, closed-off world.

At the forefront of the table, Tanaka could see Thomas' father (or who he assumed to be Thomas' father), who didn't even bother to give his youngest son a glance as he shuffled through the newspapers in his hand with stoic eyes. Out of the entire picture, what caught his eye the most was the newspaper and not the figure holding it.

The transmigrator once lived in an age where technological advancement was as common as a dog in a dog park. He never saw anyone in his household use a newspaper for reading. His mother preferred watching news channels on the television, while his siblings and his father often get their news through the internet. It was now that he only realized that this world might be significantly different in terms of technology. Or maybe he went into the past of an alternative universe?

Not wanting to think too deeply about the subject (and quite frankly too tired to mentally broach the subject), his limpid eyes turned towards a woman sitting on his left of Thomas' father, beautiful and graceful and absolutely caked in makeup. Tanaka couldn't help but blink in surprise because the only time he actually saw someone wearing that much makeup was when he went to a queer show with his sister...

Nonetheless, he saw the way she looked at him momentarily out of the corner of her eyes before subtly raising her chin, obviously showing her displeasure and disdain. She soon after ignored him as well.

On the right is another boy that looked, assumedly, to be around his age(?). Maybe older. Probably older. Most likely older, judging by the difference in height between him and the other teen. Maybe he was Thomas' brother? Tanaka did not know what to think when he saw the pleasant but shallow smile being thrown in his direction by the older boy. Surprisingly, Thomas' siblings didn't ignore him like the two indifferent adults.

"You're late, Thomas," the older teen greeted in a slightly cynical tone, his light-blue eyes the same shade as Thomas' father's-- both full of coldness. Seeing the matching blond hair and general facial features and comparing them to his current looks, he couldn't help but doubt the original owner's blood relations to the rest of his so-called family. "We had already finished breakfast without you. Since it was due to your own negligence, it would be considered improper to ask for a fresh plate so make do with what you have."

Tanaka: "....." The contrast between the mocking tone in his voice and his pleasantly smiling face is really jarring.

Ah well, Tanaka didn't really expect to be liked by his new family. Thomas' 'maybe-father' had already set his expectations for the Rosetta family's attitude towards him.

Also, Tanaka wondered if the noblemen's version of 'improper' was different from his version of 'improper', considering how everyone didn't finish everything on their plates. Wouldn't that be more improper? It wasn't as if they had a conventional oven or a microwave to heat leftovers for later. What are they going to do with the leftovers?

Maybe he could eat their leftovers...

On the left of Thomas' 'maybe older brother' was a girl who also seemed very similar in age. Honestly, Tanaka was terrible at gauging age. The original owner's mother(?) could have been 60 for all he knew and he would probably perceive her as... what? 80? Or maybe 30. It mostly depended on whether he remembered to wear his glasses or not. Oh, wait. He didn't need his glasses anymore— or rather, Thomas didn't need glasses.

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