Chapter 2

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        I angrily stomp through the dorm, earing some stares on the way. I could care less, this guy was getting on my last nerve. How dare he? I wasn't gay, never have been and never will be. Eventually, I find myself back down on the quad with all the other students. I plunk myself on a bench and close my eyes, wanting to calm myself down by breathing in the warm summer air, and feeling the sunshine beat directly on my pale Irish skin. We lived in Ireland for all my life, but after what happened to Greg, we moved here and it's just so hard--no Niall. I silently admonish myself. I won't think about that today. After I sufficiently calm down enough to not bash someone's head in, I open my eyes and look around the quad. Already, I can see cliques forming.

        They're pretty obvious, too. I turn to my left and see all of the "emo" kids together, drawing anime and sulking in all their angst. I turn to my right and see the complete opposite of them. Sitting in a close knit circle, were all the preppy girls. You know the type. "Daddy's girl" and all that shit. I watch as one girl reaches into her Chanel purse and pulls out a bottle of pills, popping three in her mouth before wiping any stray lipstick away. Well, maybe not so innocent, I thought, as I turn away.

        Then, of course, no college would be complete without the jocks and douchebags. They all shoved each other and laughed their obnoxious, arrogant laughs. Then all of the sudden, one douche stands up, dusting his pants off before making his way over to the cheerleaders. I don't even know how, since class hasn't even started yet, but they already have their uniforms and their caste system in place. He walks right up to one of the girls, obviously the leader of the bunch. He pulls her up, roughly places a kiss on her mouth, and walks away, leaving her and her "friends" smirking. I shake my head, annoyed, but knowing I'd probably end up hanging out with them anyway. 

        The last couple groups are the nerds and "rebels". The nerds are typical, already doing their homework, and discussing the latest Doctor Who episode. And when I turned to the rebels, they were every bit as predictable as I thought they would be. At least half are smoking, and the other half are comparing their new tattoos that they got over the summer. I spot my roommate with them, obviously he would be part of that group. He was talking to a boy slightly shorter than him, with a similar brown quiff and a lip piercing. They catch me looking and the boy my roommate was talking to bites his lip and looks me up and down, while smirking. My roommate pushes the boy and says something nasty, I can tell from over here. Finally, they look away, and I let loose a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I'm just starting to relax back onto my bench when a really smiley kid sits next to me. Well, "kid" isn't the right word to describe him. He's obviously part of the jocks clique, just based on his clothes and his physique. He's tall, and really muscular, with short brown hair and a bit of scruff. He also has a couple tattoos, which surprises me. I thought most jocks were relatively clean-cut, me included. I turn to ask him what he's doing. I mean, I'm usually nice, but my encounter with my roommate has just ruined my afternoon.

        He then very nearly surprised the shit out of me by saying, "Hey, you looked lonely. I'm Liam." what? I'm so confused by this interaction I forget to do anything, and just sit, staring at his outstretched hand. "Ummm...excuse me?" he asks. I shake out of my stupor and look at him. "Um, thanks, but I'm not lonely. I'm Niall by the way." I reach out and grasp his hand, shaking it. To be honest I'm kind of surprised he's not a complete asshole. Although, I guess I shouldn't be so quick to judge, especially when people could make the exact same assumption about me. He just nods and asks me about myself, to which I don't really have much to say. I play guitar, soccer, I like to sing, I hate math, what else is there to know?

        He doesn't really seem to care that I gave him a less than adequate response, to which I'm grateful. I'm plenty shaken up as it is. "'ll come, right?" I catch the last part of his sentence as I come back to the real world. "Um, sure." I just gave an answer and hope it was the right one. Appartently it was as his whole face lights up and he stands up to go. "Great! See ya tonight at 8. Harry's fraternity house." he jogs off to tell his friends I guess and I see a guy with really curly hair, who I assume to be Harry, nod in approval and go back to making rude gestures at the rebels. I literally have no idea what I just got myself into, but I'm pretty sure there'll be booze, and that's exactly what I need right now to calm my nerves and loosen up. Fuck it that we have class tomorrow; they call USC a party school for a damn reason. I then stand up and leave the quad to get ready for my night of loosening up.


 I pull on some black skinny jeans, and a tight white t shirt. I put my hair up into a blond quiff and I ready to go and spray some cologne on and I'm ready to go. For good measure I grab some condoms and stuff them into my pockets. Smirking to myself, I get ready to go. I'm definitely getting laid tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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