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The constant sound of doors opening and closing along with the faint pitter-patter of a slight drizzle against the windows can be heard throughout the whole cafe as the endless swarm of groggy and unwilling college students come rushing in.That includes Alfred, of course.

Today though-despite his usual less than stellar mood for having to endure literature as his first period-he's practically brimming with enthusiasm because he'll be able to take a peek at the cute brit that's always sitting at the corner of the cafe.

Totally not creepy. Well, at least he thought so.

Alfred stared dreamily like a fool in love at him from across his table as he drowned out all the distracting sounds around him. He looked so breathtaking typing speedily on his laptop, only taking short breaks to lift a quaint little teacup to his mouth with such elegance and poise. His gorgeous green eyes looked like shining emeralds that he could easily find himself getting lost in. And was that his tongue sticking out at the corner of his mouth? God, could he get any more adorab- "Hello, earth to Al?". Said his brother who was unfortunately his company at the moment.

Alfred's bubble popped as his brother's exasperated voice pierced through his eardrums, clear as glass. "Wh- huh?". Alfred blinked. Matthew rolled his violet orbs and looked at him as if he was everything aggravating in the universe.

"You've gotta stop staring at that guy and man the hell up, bro". He retorted.

Alfred's eyes bolted out of his eye sockets as he whined. "Hell no, dude! He's way outta my league. I bet he has people falling for him left and right for his smokin' good looks".

Matthew's expression turned fond as he shook his head at the older male. "You never know until you try. Don't give up on him, yeah?", Alfred's eyes lit up as his usual bravado was restored, much like a switch turned on. "Thanks Matt, I hope I get to talk to him someday, he looks like a sweet dude".

A more enthusiastic smile appeared on Matthew's face as he nodded. "Yeah. We should really get to class though, you can continue your Hallmark love story another day, Al". His voice was laced with humour.

"Aw, hell no! You know how much I hate literature". Alfred exclaimed-obviously underestimating his wide voice range-catching the attention of some people nearby. Including a certain brit with piercing green eyes.

Completely oblivious to what he transpired, Alfred followed his brother out of the cafe groaning, unknowing of the curious eyes following his figure.


After parting ways with his brother, Alfred started walking towards his class as unwillingly as possible, as if there would be an effect on his way to class whatsoever.

He had always been a numbers kind of guy, excelling astonishingly in physics and chemistry. Give him any complex equation, hell, he can solve it. English had never been his strong point, leaving an immense impact on his grades.

Alfred mumbled his less than decent thoughts regarding literature and reached for the metal handle of the door, only to be stopped by another hand much like his own.

"Oh, sorry dude! You can go ahe-". Alfred's voice died in his throat as his eyes met the green orbs he's been longing to see all day. Gaping at him stiffly for a moment, he smiled awkwardly at the other male.

His crush, in turn, flashed a small smile at him and entered the respective room. Putting his palms on his heated face, Alfred realized he would do anything to make him smile like that again.

Giddy, he pushed open the door, no longer begrudging in setting foot in the literature hall that he loathed so much.


He sat himself down and prepared himself for yet another boring lecture regarding dead poets.

Although still filled with mush from his earlier encounter with his crush, he still cannot comprehend how anyone can sit through these with an exuberant tendency.

His professor's resounding voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he observed the students with a watchful eye. "Arthur, would you mind reciting one of Shakespeare's most famous sonnets?".

Ah, so his name was Arthur. Just thinking about him made his chest pleasantly warm. Alfred thought the name fit perfectly with his persona that Alfred adored so much.

At this, Arthur abruptly stood and recited the sonnet with a clear voice, along with perfect intonations.

Alfred was entranced by his resonating voice, as if he was caught under a spell that he fell for ultimately. He hadn't noticed he had closed his eyes and realized it was the end of the lecture when he saw other students packing up their things.

Alfred too, copied their movements and deliberately made way towards the door to leave. He stopped, however when a hand tapped him gently on the shoulder. He found himself face-to-face with who else other than Arthur.

Recovering from his slight shock mentally, Alfred flashed a grin as pink dusted across his cheeks. "H-Hey, what can I do for you?".

Arthur stared at him for a moment, thinking and he seized the opportunity to observe Arthur up close. And he looked absolutely ethereal with his cute as a button complexion. His bushy caterpillar brows just makes him so much more precious. Alfred couldn't control the flutter in his heart as he looked at Arthur with such fondness that anyone who'd seen them would probably think they're dating.

He's just hoping that Arthur wouldn't notice.

His plump pink lips are really cute, though. He wonders what it would be like if he'd kiss them.

"-And that's why we should-Jones, are you listening to me?". Alfred broke out of his lovestruck trance and focused as Arthur scowled, attractively at that. Shit.

"Oh god, I'm sorry! What were you saying again?". Arthur rolled his eyes making Alfred focus on his impressive eyebrows for a moment and then on the situation at hand. "I said, I need you to help me revise for the next chemistry exam. I'm absolutely rubbish at it".

Arthur has now folded his arms, patiently waiting for a response as Alfred processed what he just said. Does that mean, he'll get to spend some quality time with Arthur, his literal crush?

He doesn't know whether to be overjoyed or horrified.

"Ah, yeah. Just tell me when you wanna meet, haha". Arthur nodded. "I'll inform you of our upcoming rendezvous soon. Good day, Jones." He turned around abruptly and left the room, leaving Alfred to fret and contemplate over every possible scenario that could happen.


It turned out "soon" was quite literally 10 minutes prior their meeting. Alfred's heart was filled with dread as he walked towards the dormitories.

He hadn't noticed where he was walking until he was faced with a door with the numbers "130", Arthur's room as he was informed. He'd really had his head in the clouds ever since that fateful glance that started this whole infatuation towards the brit.

It turned out he was muttering his thoughts out loud, when the door opened, revealing Arthur in all his glory.

Arthur raised one impressive eyebrow. "Alfred, what are you doing here? I thought our study session wasn't until this Saturday". Alfred leaned against the doorframe looking as smug as possible, when really he just looked like a guy with a sore back. "I wanted to invite you out for some coffee, to get to know you better. You know, before our study date". He couldn't help the falter in his voice.

Arthur's cheeks went pink. "Study date? Is that what you've been calling our study session all this time?."

Alfred flailed his arms as he realized what he just said. Welp, there's no going back now. "Y-yeah! I think it's really cute, don't you think?". Arthur looked away, flustered and Alfred thought he looked positively adorable fiddling with the soft ends of his sweater. "Alright. Do you want to get some now? It's nearly tea time". Alfred nodded enthusiastically as a new hope sprouted in his chest.


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