Blue side

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It was late at night. Music filled the room with its deep bass and laid back vibe. Hoseok stood in the middle of the room. His eyes were closed. It looked like he absorbed the music, as if they were one. He drifted away on the dreamlike melody. The notes took him somewhere else, taking him with them in their flow.

               "Blue side."

The song changed into the sound of wind and the background changed too. Someone playfully pushed him and Hoseok opened his eyes. A young boy grinned at him while running away into the landscape. Hoseok laughed too and ran after his friend. The sky was clear blue, with every now and then a cloud, and the sun watched over the young kids. Flowers bloomed on the side of the road and birds sang in the trees. Hoseok's friend ran into a grain field and Hoseok followed him. He could track him due to his laughter, but everytime when Hoseok almost caught his friend, he would disappear again.

This continued for a while but suddenly everything became quiet. Hoseok had lost his friend in the grain field and his friend's laughter was gone too. Hoseok stopped and gasped for air. Both hands rested on his knees and he leaned forward. After he'd caught his breath he started to look around. He listened attentively to whether he could hear footsteps or a giggle, but all he could hear and see was the wind and the sky. He liked the wind and the sky. The wind and sky whom he didn't know they would forever be associated with good memories. He pushed some grain aside when all of a sudden his friend jumped from behind the grain next to him and the friend attacked him with a loud roar. He jumped on Hoseok who was startled and fell on the ground underneath the weight of his friend. The friend wanted to quickly run away laughing, but Hoseok rapidly scrambled to his feet and grabbed his friend's t-shirt. This time it was his turn and he threw himself on his friend, causing both of them to fall.

Their laughter filled the blue sky again. They rolled back and forth, like young kids play around, until Hoseok crawled from underneath his friend's grip and threw earth into his friend's face. The friend covered in soot rubbed the dirt out of his eyes. Hoseok laughed at him and he quickly ran away from outside the grain field.

               "Blue side."

Hoseok ran out of the dunes and stopped at the amazing sight of the sea. His friend stopped at his side. With big eyes Hoseok walked towards the coastline, followed by his friend. It was midsummer and the water that flowed around his ankles was not too cold. He peddled in the shallow water of the ocean. Again, there were no clouds in the blue sky. Both the sky and the ocean formed a blue side together. A blanket that reassured him. A satisfied feeling, like he was blessed. Sometimes that perfect picture was disturbed by a seagull that shrieked shrill and loud.

               "Blue side."

His careless youth, associated with the blue side, made him feel at ease. After a while he heard someone calling for him, disturbing his thoughts. He looked at the dunes. His mother stood on the beach, next to his friend, and beckoned him. One more time he looked at the blue side before following his mother inland. He could only hear the wind and see the blue sky, full of good memories that would always remind him of the blue side. Every step further away, until he eventually disappeared behind the green dunes that separated him from the blue side.

"That's a blue side..."

The last bass notes still rang in in his ears. Hoseok opened his eyes and took off his headphones. He shut down the computer and dimmed the light in the studio. A little smile played on his lips as he closed the door behind him.

A/N: Although he said earlier in his vlive that he showed off in a few songs, like Hangsang, and sang about BTS' success in others, he said his outro reminds him of his careless youth. Like he is happy and thankful for his success and like this is a last goodbye to his youth. He said: "I want to go back to the "Blue side," but I don't think he wants to go back to being a child again. I think he loves (day)dreaming about his careless youth and the adventures he made with his friends. It's not like he regrets growing up. He feels pleased and relaxed as he thinks back. Personally, I think that's why this song is so laid back and not heavy, full of sorrow and desire. It's because he has peace with how everything has gone.

Blue side became the outro of hixtape and even Hobi doesn't know why. But in my opinion it was meant to be. It feels like he's giving an ode to his younger self, after he rapped about his success. This was a perfect outro for his mixtape.

Lol, I listened to Blue side for two hours straight and I'm still not sick of it.

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