♥09♥ Animal Kingdom Arc - Yuuki & Honey Badger

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Yuuki had slept for four days straight and she's ready to wake up. She must have been really exhausted and tired out. She weakly lifted her hand up to her view to see it was a normal human hand that belonged to a girl, no longer a paw with sharp nails. She looked to her side to see Midoriya was there. He was putting a vase by the draws. Did Yaoyorozu create a place for everyone to rest up?


"Yuuki-san! You're awake!" Midoriya placed a plate of grilled fish and edible berries by the side. He poured a glass of water and brought it to her lips to drink. "Drink slowly. Are you okay?"

"A little tired." Yuuki answered him when she finished. She tried to sit up but she needed his help to do so. 

"Yuuki-san, I'm glad you are okay." 

"Hm. Thank you, Deku." 

Midoriya looked at her with surprise. 


"You used to call me Midoriya. When did you start calling me Deku?" 

Yuuki blinked and she could remember something. She remembered there was a time when a little boy told her about someone called Deku...

"You see this loser? This is Deku. He is a nerd. If you see him, you have to bite him, okay?" Young Bakugou was teaching something useless to the honey badger through a photo of Midoriya. He liked bullying the latter so he wanted his own pet to join in too. 

She just looked at the photo and snorted, not giving a shit.

"I...I remembered it. I remember it somehow. You're Deku." 

"Yuuki-san, I've heard about it over the radio. You're..." 

"I know. I...was a honey badger from your world and was brought to this world to play this game of hunting. I also know I hold the highest score of 10,000,000." This would explain why she's sought out by so many players, both heroes and villains; killing her in a successful hunt will mean they have proven themselves to be the strongest in this world. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you all about this at first." 

"You have a reason to hide it. I'd like to think you have a legit reason to do so." Midoriya did not believe Yuuki hid this fact from everyone out of maliciousness. When she was asleep, he stated his opinions to everyone and he managed to convince the others to continue to believe in her because she must have hid things about herself for a reason.

Yuuki gave him a lonely smile, "Would you make friends with someone who says they have killed a lot of people?" Yuuki looked at her own hand, a hand of a human's, not a paw. She didn't know what to say because she's told this body didn't belong to her to start with. Then was it okay for her to be 'Yuuki'? Now that she think about it, what makes her 'Yuuki'?

Midoriya could see that she was lost in thought. He could tell she was thinking about what the crazy doctor told her. He didn't hesitate and he held her hands with both of his. "Yuuki-san, look at me." When she looked at him, he continued his words. "I believe in you. I don't think it's right to judge you for what you've done, but I believe if the circumstances were different, you wouldn't have had to kill to survive. You can still turn around." Midoriya didn't believe she was the type to kill for the thrill. She was forced to do this, forced to spill blood for the sake of survival. She turned a blind eye to right and wrong because there's no in between when her own life was at stake. It's so easy to judge her, but will people be the same if they were forced into her position for many years?

"Can I though? I only know how to hunt. I don't know how to live in your world..." Even if she could turn it around, then what? What kind of future will she have? If she stayed here, she knew how to survive it. But the other...she didn't know how. 

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