Julian and Emma's Work of Art

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Emma and Julian had a nursery set up, but they wanted the baby to sleep with them. So they rearranged their entire room to make space for a crib, a changing table, and Julian had moved a chair next to Emma's nightstand so she could sit and breastfeed when needed.
Emma had been laying in bed, her feet were swollen, her stomach bulged out. Her stomach was a bit larger than a football helmet. She had been resting for the past few days, claiming she hadn't felt great. The only time she got up was to use the bathroom, which being 39 weeks pregnant, she was constantly using the bathroom. Julian would bring her sandwiches, water, extra pillows.
She was carrying their baby, he'd do anything and everything for her.
Finally, as the moon settled in the sky, Julian was exhausted from running around. After offering a foot massage to Emma and she then reclining and telling him he does to much for her, he then replied that he doesn't care and gave her a foot massage anyway while she gave him death glares whenever she could see past her swollen stomach, he finally laid down.
This was his favorite part of the day. Emma would press her back against him, his arms wrapped themselves around her swelled waist, their baby kicking at his hands, which made him smile.
He rested his head close enough to hers that he was always able to just lean over and brush his lips against her cheek.
As they slept that night, he dreamt of Livia, standing next to him as Emma held the newest Blackthorn in her arms. Livvy would have been 20, running an institute of her own. She would have taught her first niece how to fight with sabres. 
Julian opened his eyes slowly, the bittersweet feeling of missing his sister filled his chest. She would have been such a great aunt. Someday she could have been a mother of her own. He missed Livia terribly.
He laid his head in the crook of Emma's neck, his hands resting on her belly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again, feeling the baby kick at his hands.
Emma groaned and turned her body around in Julian's arms. He had to move his head out of the way so she could turn around, and soon enough her head was on his chest, her hand found his and wound their fingers together. He smiled to himself, placing his lips to the top of her head. Her stomach rested against his abdomen, and he could feel the baby kicking against him. It's like she never stopped kicking. He didn't mind it, but he wondered how Emma could sleep. She groaned again, and Julian could hear her breathing start to heave. This alerted him. Emma never had trouble breathing.
Emma's eyes shot open, she gasped in pain as she shot up, her hand pulled away from Julian's as she held her hand to her mouth, not to hold in puke but a scream.
Immediately, Julian was right next to her, his arm around her waist as she looked over at him. From the pain across her face, he knew it. The baby was coming.
"I'll call brother Enoch." He said quickly. She grabbed his arm.
She could barely speak. Was the pain that bad? "Julian, you don't understand. She's coming now." She groaned in pain and toppled over holding her stomach, taking deep breathes.
Julian's heart starting racing. "You mean, right now? Like right now?"
Emma was still holding his arm, now digging her nails into his forearm.
"No I mean tomorrow. YES RIGHT NOW! SHE IS CRAWLING HER WAY OUT!" She screamed.
"Oh god. Oh god!" Quickly, he lifted Emma into his arms. They weren't delivering a baby on their expensive bed.
He ran down to the infirmary, where he set her down on the first bed he saw, and ran around the room panicking.
"What do I grab?!" He shrieked slamming open the closet door.
Emma groaned in pain. "Towels. Scissors. A lot of towels."
He grabbed plenty of towels, a pair of scissors.
"I heard screams!" It was Helen. Julian forgot her and Aline had been staying with them. As a matter of fact, all of his family had been staying with them. All of them waiting for the newest Blackthorn to emerge.
"Help! I don't know what I'm doing!" Julian raced back over to Emma, whose face had gone pale as she was sweating, panting, crying, and groaning with pain. His heart was going to burst out of his chest. Julian has never been so scared in his life. All he has done was raise children, but he's never delivered a child before.
Helen ran in and put her hand on Julian's shoulder. "Stay by her. I will grab the rest of the things." She touched his cheek in her maternal way before rushing to the closet grabbing more supplies.
Julian helped Emma strip off her clothes, covering her with the blanket. Her stomach bulging through the blanket. She closed her eyes taking deep breathes, trying to keep herself calm.
Julian ran his hand along her cheek. "How are you feeling?" He asked her.
She put her hand over his. "Like I'm dying. It hurts. Having a baby actually hurts." She laughed to herself.
Julian leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
He took his other hand and slid it under the blanket and rested it on her stomach.
This is the last time he'd be able to do that before he actually got to hold their daughter in his arms. Emma smiled softly and then winced. Julian looked at her alarmingly.
"Relax Julian, it's just a contraction." She said softly.
He sighed. "You're asking a for little much from me."
She just chuckled, and then winced again.
Helen soon returned with a stele, some salves, a bowl full of soaking wash clothes, and water bottles for Emma.
"Julian." Helen spoke softly. "This is going to be a long night." She handed him the stele. "Apply an energy rune. Or two."
He did as such, applying one rune on his arm.
He looked at Emma. But Helen spoke. "No runes. Not now. It could hurt the baby."
Julian handed Helen back the stele and he took Emma's hand. They looked at each other for a moment.
"This is it." Emma smiled. "Tomorrow we'll have a baby."
Julian couldn't help but smile big. "I'm ready for her."
Helen stood at the end of the bed, preparing for the birthing part.
"Helen?" Emma asked. "Have you witnessed other births?"
Helen smiled. "Yeah. Aline's cousin had a baby a few years ago. I helped Brother Enoch with that one."
The three of them waiting for 5 hours. Within the first hour, Emma was asleep. Julian sat by her side, running his hand along her stomach every now and then.
When Emma woke, she was biting her lip trying not to scream.
"Baby, is it time for the baby?" Helen asked.
Helen checked Emma and gasped. "Emma! Her head is coming out!"
Emma gasped. "WHAT?!" She sat up quickly. Julian held her hand and tried to relax her. "Don't stress, it'll stress the baby." He said.
"Julian, I love you, and I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" He whispered.
She only gave him an apologetic glance before  she squeezed his hand so hard, he swore his fingers broke.
She screamed and started pushing.
His eyes widened. He wanted this to be over. He hated seeing Emma in pain. Ignoring the pain in his hand, he watched as Helen stayed so calm as she kept encouraging Emma to push.
Emma screamed that it hurt, some cursing involved, Julian tried to keep himself from having a meltdown.
His heart was pounding so loud he could hear it in his ears. This is it. This is the moment he becomes a father. The moment Emma becomes a mother. Their creation, their piece of art that they made together, was being birthed.
Emma squeezed his hand harder, tears flowing from her eyes. "Julian. Julian it hurts so bad." She cried and he kissed the top of her head.
"I know baby, I know. She's almost out, it'll be over soon." He murmured against her ear.
After 5 minutes, which to Julian felt like forever, Emma took her final push. The sound of cries broke into the room, and they weren't from Emma.
Emma loosened her grip on his hand, she fell back against the pillows, taking deep breathes. She closed her eyes, taking as many deep breathes as she could.
Instantly he walked over to where Helen held  the new Blackthorn baby in her hands. Blood was everywhere. She pointed to Julian to grab the scissors.
"Cut her umbilical cord." She said softly.
The baby was still crying hysterically, it was the most beautiful thing he's ever heard.
He snipped the cord, then set the scissors down. He grabbed wet cloths, ringing them free of water. Helen passed the baby along to her father, he cleaned her off. Tears formed at his eyes. He looked up at Emma, she watched intensely. More tears streaming down her face.
"She's so beautiful." He whispered.
Emma smiled softly. Exhaustion taking over her like a storm cloud.
He wrapped her in a towel, and she had calmed down from crying.
He brought her to Emma. Emma trembled lightly as their baby was put into her arms.
"My god Julian, she looks just like you." She whispered softly. She ran her fingers through the baby's brown curls.
"You should name her Julian jr." Helen laughed and walked over to stand on the other side of Emma.
Emma smiled. "We could always name her after you."
"But I thought we decided on naming her Cordelia?" Julian looked at her puzzled.
"I mean, her middle name could be Cordelia. But she doesn't look like a Cordelia now. She looks like a Julian." Emma said.
"What about Julia? Or Julianna?" Helen suggested.
"No." Julian said. He looked at his daughter. "Juliet." He breathed out her name. It was perfect.
"Juliet? Why Juliet?" Helen asked, but a smile spread across her face.
"Because when Romeo first saw her, it was love at first sight. I'm not Juliet's Romeo, but I love her as much as Romeo loved his Juliet. Only she is our Juliet, mine and Emma's daughter, your first niece. Juliet belongs as her name." Julian chuckled. "Plus, she does kind of look like me." He smiled and twirled one of her curls with his fingers.
"I like that analogy brother." Helen said.
"Juliet Cordelia Blackthorn." Emma said softly. "I like that analogy too. When did you read Shakespeare?"
"I didn't have to. Everyone knows Romeo and Juliet." Julian said and played with Juliet's little fingers. Juliet wrapped her little fingers around Julian's.
In that instant, the love for his daughter increased by multiples. Emma was right. Juliet looked just like Julian, as if Emma never even had a chance in her genetics.
Juliet opened her eyes slowly, something all babies of the Nephilim could do within their first day out of the womb.
Julian and Emma gasped at how blue her eyes were. A deep sea Blackthorn blue.
"It's amazing how much love I have for her already." Emma said, her voice weak.
Julian nodded in agreement. "My little Juliet, I am absolutely fascinated by you. I am absolutely in love with you." He said to her. Being a baby, she couldn't quite respond. But she still kept her tiny fingers locked around Julian's finger. "I promise you, I will keep you safe-" Emma coughed. "We will keep you safe." He laughed softly. "You will be the best you can possibly be not just as a Shadowhunter, but as a human being. I already see you have such a big heart. You'll never fail to make me as proud of you as I am right now. Just by being here with us." He said. Emma lifted her free hand and caressed his cheek.
"Juliet, what he said." She laughed and Julian kissed Emma with so much love, as much love as he can give into a kiss.
"Thank you Emma. For carrying our baby for 9 months. You've made me the happiest man." He whispered softly. She kissed him again.
Helen coughed. "I am in the room." She chuckled. "Can I take her?"
"Of course." Emma said and handed Juliet over.
"As soon as I get the chance, I am going to paint her." He said and Emma intertwined their fingers. He looked back at her, all tired and happy.
"You should get some rest, Mrs. Blackthorn." He grinned.
"Maybe I will." She yawned. She closed her eyes slowly and Julian kissed her forehead as she rested.
Julian watched Helen coo at her new niece. He watched a piece of his heart being carried around the infirmary, a fierce protectiveness swooped over him, he vowed to himself that he would never, ever, let harm touch his daughter. He thought of Livvy in that instant, and smiled. She would have loved this.

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