L's side

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Dedicated to O, written by L.

Yeah, I read your dumb little story. I found it funny. Trying to "apologize" for things that you "never did". Well guess what, you know nothing of me. Don't go claiming you know or knew me. I knew you were petty, but I never thought you would go to share the horrible story online. For anyone and everyone to see. Now, let's get to the story of some of the worst years of my life, shall we?

You say you never knew what you did. You say you did nothing wrong. But let me remind you of a few stories.

Fourth grade. We'd known each other for a bit, and you convinced me of some horrible things. I will admit, yes I was very gullible, and trusted too easily. You convinced me we were sisters, and I wanted to believe you. So I did. Then you convinced me that my actual parents adopted me, and told me to run away to your house. You should have known when to stop when I was sobbing while we were on the phone. And learn not to call someone every. Single. Day. With no break days. I nearly never wanted to answer, but always had to. You should have known to stop Convincing someone that one, they're adopted and have a sister they never knew about, and 2, taking it to where they believe that they are convinced that their own parents don't love them, that causes mental trauma. Hell, not just trauma, that's called mental abuse. Go ahead and whine about me talking about fake things. I'm done giving a single shit, thinking you could maybe have a point.

Yeah, I'll give you the satisfaction of knowing you hurt me. But not only did you hurt me, you made me stronger. You gave me opportunities that I would never give up. Because of you, I've stole the heart of someone you once loved. You wonder why? Because you do not deserve such a caring, wonderful person.

I remember once, you said that you knew everything that went on in my head. That I told you everything. My response was to break out in laugher. You think you knew everything, hell, you knew not even twenty percent of this prison I call my mind. I may have trusted you, but one with as many trust issues as me, only tell the people they truly love what's going on in their head. So trust me when I say, you didn't know me. You say I never had some kind of mental illness, if I didn't, then why did I cut myself up like a slab of meat being prepared for a great feast, why did I want to escape from this world so badly that I tried to do so multiple times. Yet you only knew of this once, maybe twice. You say I don't have a mental illness because I want to escape this. Because I want help. Because apparently that makes me weak. Well, I'd say otherwise. Seeking help means that you are strong. Seeking help means that you know that there is something better than a life of misery, and you just can't reach it yet. But you want to. So I could say some really foul words, but I have decided to censor myself, because I know you can't handle even the tiniest things. Like misspelled words? Or maybe a breakup from your ex-boyfriend? Well, suck it up buttercup. Life ain't easy. It's gonna suck. Deal with it. You ain't no princess that gets an easier life than the rest of us. You know, you always were talking about equality, yet you always wanted to be better than everyone else.

I don't need to say more. You know what you did. I don't need some lame apology from you, because if you did really want to get us back, should have done it sooner. Should have done it when you still had a chance. Oh well, that chance is gone. But I remember you said you would be fine without us, and I didn't know you told jokes! We see you, looking at us, wanting us back. No can do. We're good. Rather not. We'll stay in our happy relationship, and not have you around to ruin it. Now I'm done going on about you, because sure that isn't even half of what I have to say to you, but I don't think you need to hear more.

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