Part I

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It was a beautiful day. The sun was finally out in Dublin , the air was light and breezy, making Jack's hair sway a little as He walked down the wide streets of his beloved hometown. It was quite early in the morning but The birds were chirping loudly, thanking the heavens for the lovely day.

Most of the people were up, rushing to their jobs, children walking to their school happily and moody teenagers were off to high school and universities. Jack himself is a university student but He has been studying in London for a few years now. Last Christmas, He was not able to come home due to some Uni project he had to finish over the holidays. His family was a bit sad but thankfully, they understood. He missed his family over the holdiays a lot though. So as soon as He got the chance, He filed an Application for Sick leave and came home.

He loved London as It was one of his favourite cities ever. But Dublin, His hometown, will always have a special place in his heart. He felt at peace here, forgetting about his worries and teenager problems.

Back in London, Life is always so hectic, from hostel to Uni and from Uni to hostel. There is no time to just relax and almost no peace as He is always busy in his studies. The only time he gets to himself is on weekends but Most of the time, His Uni friends drag him to a random club.

'Loosen up a little, Jack. This is the age to enjoy and be careless.'

They would say to me whenever I would try to turn them down. Maybe they are right as well. But I would rather stay in my small hostel room and read those cheesy romance novels which no one knows about, whilst drinking my cream coffee.

Because that's how I am.

I'm not like those 'cool' guys in my University, who drive racing cars, do regular gym sessions, go to clubs and parties on Saturday nights and have a new girlfriend every week. I'm the complete opposite. I like to study and write poetry and song lyrics. I like to sing, and sometimes when I'm free and in a good mood, I like to make my own music. Of course, I don't tell my friends about it because they would probably make fun of me.

I like to play guitar - the blissful feeling of strumming my fingers gently over it as I imagine myself playing it for someone special. I like to stand in rain, feeling the rain water hitting my face drop by drop. I like to wake up early just to see the sunrise, to watch the darkness of the night changing into beautiful shades of purple, orange and yellow. I like to stay up late sometimes, relishing in the peaceful silence of the night. I don't like to try out new things, I prefer the old ones. Old fashioned clothes, Old fashioned houses and even Old music, back from the 1900's. I like to daydream about my future lover, If I'll ever have any, Thinking about all of the things I would do for him.

Can't help it. I'm a hopeless romantic.

A gay, nerdy, hopeless romantic.

All in all, I'm not like the boys in my University. I'm different. I'm me.

I sighed as I remembered the real reason I'm up so early. I, Jack Duff, have been dared to flirt with the first person I encounter today.

Yes. Flirt.

With the first person I encounter today in the market.

I sighed again as I remembered how I got into this awful situation.


"Guys, I can't do this! You know I can't flirt for shit." I said in a frustrated tone.

"C'mon Jack! Don't be a loser now. We just want you to be a bit bold. You never had a girlfriend or boyfriend and You're 20 Jack! You need to move up your game, man." One of my friends, Kenny, said, shaking his head disapprovingly.

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