yield friend

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Yield friend


comprehend the rhythm

Learn the notes connecting

You to the gnarled roots of grandfather

I've been angry

I've been ignorant

I've been under the impression

That I understand the underlying thunder clouds of the underground

And that I could tap into the depth of the spirit

By yelling

But im a little bit older now

A little bit slower now

It's a little bit colder out

A heart on the sleeve is worth two anywhere but here

Yield friend yield

Understand who you're dealing with

Know thy enemy with an eye of the beholder

Hold her closer show her shower her in compassion

Meditation is medication with no prescription

And prayer is the answer not the question

Yield friend yield

Enjoy what you have

Let the river take it where it wants to take you

Under majestic oaks and interesting rock formations

Cotton clouds paint blue canvas

Play out scenes of bunnies kissing spaceships

Kiss is a funny word

to touch with the lips especially as a mark of affection or greeting

Middle English, from Old English cyssan; akin to Old High German kussen to kiss

The O.E. noun was coss, which became M.E. cuss, but this yielded to kiss, from the verb. For vowel evolution, see bury

But yielded this to a kiss

Yielded by a kiss

Yield friend yield

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2010 ⏰

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