Poth - genocide

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Inspired by pic above

Goths POV:

   I stood in horror at the dead body in front of me. My cloak was soaked in warm blood.

   "Well done~" a voice behind me cooed.

   I shook and gripped the knife in my hands.

   " I d-didn't want to," I stuttered.

   The shadow version of me appeared behind my back. "Well you didn't have much of a choice, now did you?" they giggled.

   "H-how much longer do I have to do this?" I asked.

   "Until you snap!" They exclaimed, grinning.

   I couldn't take it anymore. I broke out in sobs.

   "I d-don't want to hurt anyone! I j-just wanna be normal! Like everyone else!" I cried.

   "Awww, too bad your not~" they taunted. "Besides, I'm the one in control! Now, I suggest you clean yourself up and destroy all evidence unless you wanna get caught," They snarled.

   I nodded and wiped my tears away. I did my best to dispose of the body and my bloody clothing.

   I headed home afterwards. I walked inside, heavy with guilt. My dad, Geno, greeted me happily. I forced a smile and waved, before going into my room and locking the door. As soon as I locked the door, I collapsed on my bed. I curled into a ball, held my pillow, and sobbed softly.

   This demon's made me kill five people already, that wouldn't have been a big deal though, considering I'm a reaper. But it wasn't those people's time yet! They didn't deserve it!

   When will they make me hurt someone I love? What will I do then? What'll happen if I DO snap?!

   I hate this.

   I want this to end.

   I never wanted this.

   I feel like a puppet.

   I AM a puppet.


   If I snap, will I be free of my strings?

   ~time skip + 3rd POV~

   The demon started to taunt Goth once more. In a angry rage, Goth started to yell at the demon. Geno overheard and started to walk to Goth's room, worried about his own son.

   He unlocked and opened the door. "Hey Goth, are you oka-"


   Goth looked at his dads smashed is skull in pure horror. He didn't mean to. He meant to hit the demon, not his dad. Geno stood there in utter shock, his eye socket wide open. A single tear fell from his eye before collapsing on the ground. "I-I'm sorry..." he whispered.

   "DAD!" Goth cried. He watched in terror as his own father dusted in front of him.


   "Heh heh..."



   Goth broke out in a manic like laugh. Large tears rolled down his face as he gripped his head with his hands.

   The demon appeared behind Goth, holding his shoulders.  "Wasn't that fun?" they asked. Goth nodded, a twitter grin on his face. "Wouldn't it be fun to do it again?"

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