044. One Year Later

978 58 6

044. One Year Later

Maybe the sleep helps with some of my nerves, because I wake up the next morning wide-eyed and optimistic. It's nine AM, East Coast sunlight streams through my window, and laughter trickles into my room under the cracks of my door.

I hurry to get ready, brushing my hair and pulling a swimsuit under the cloth shorts and t-shirt I slept in. Downstairs, almost everyone is already awake, rummaging through the fridge for breakfast.

"We made the mistake of sending Spencer out grocery shopping yesterday," Allison is saying, pouring a glass of orange juice. "All he bought was breakfast food and a bunch of beer."

"And hot chocolate," defends Spencer.

"Well, breakfast food's all we need!" As expected, Celia is the most chipper in the group. "And we have fruit. What better start to a tropical morning?"

I roll my eyes, but with my back turned so no one can complain about me being a bad sport.

We end up toasting bread and eating that with peanut butter for breakfast. Nobody's mind is really on staying inside—we keep glancing out onto the patio, where the sun glistens on our pool. It's a scorcher outside, but at least I can top of my tan and have an excuse to show off my new sunglasses.

"Where's Brynn?" I ask as I crunch into the crust of my toast. She hadn't been in our room when I woke up, and I haven't seen her anywhere around the house.

Allison takes a sip of her juice. "FaceTiming Sophie outside. And Liam's still sleeping. Big shocker, right?"

I shrug. Allison scoots closer to me and murmurs, "Remind me I want to talk to you later today."

"Why not now?"

Her eyes flick to everyone crowded around the kitchen island. "I want to talk alone."

"Should I be worried?" That familiar pit in my stomach has already arrived.

"No. I just want to talk."

But the seed's already been planted, and the worry only intensifies. I hate having loose ends. Everything's supposed to be tied up neatly. No worry or wonder or suspense. I eat the rest of my toast in three bites and keep my hands busy peeling a banana.

Everyone takes way too long in the kitchen considering all we want to do is get out onto the beach. Liam ambles down the stairs just as we're about to leave, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. His hair is matted, and I doubt he's even brushed his teeth yet. But as soon as his foot hits the last step he breaks out into a grin. "Who's ready? Beach by day and party by night, am I right?"

Spencer whoops and everyone else joins in. I let him loop me into a hug and grin. Apprehension about Allison trickles away.

"I'm ready for some beach time," says Cassidy, looping her fingers through Nathan's. "Let's go drag Brynn away from Sophie."

Brynn is right out on the patio, laying out on a pool chair with her earbuds in. Her eyes are shut, and as we get closer I hear her humming to whatever she's listening to.

"This is easier than I thought," said Cassidy, yanking out Brynn's earbud. "Come on. We're heading out. Where's Sophie?"

Brynn sits up. "She had to go to class. Are we going down to the beach?"


"Good. Cass, Erika, come with me. We need to talk."

What is it with everyone wanting to talk today? I don't know how much more I can hear those four words.

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