Just a Regular Day

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Leo's POV

Tasha: Wake up Leo time for school.

I got out of bed and brush my teeth and hair.

Tasha: Come on honey you are gonna be late.

I looked on my calendar it was a Saturday.

My closet was open a sliver so I opened it all the way and saw Bree there.

Bree: Hey Leo, pssch I'm not using my vocal manipulation on you or anything.

Anyways Bree why are you up so early?

Bree: Adam kept snoring all night long uggh.

Ok we'll can you both get out of the room please and thank you.

Chase: Dangit how did he know I was under the bed. On a unrelated subject this carpet is really soft.

Bree: Come on Chase ~Pulling him by his ear~

Chase: Owwwwww

Ahhhhhh finally some peace and quiet so I can play some video games.

~The door opens~

Big D: Hey Leo do you want to help me build something?

Yeah sure, wait you never wanna build anything with me, is this a trick?

Big D: No just your mother wants me to actually build something with you that won't blow up or destroy the world.

Dangit why does she always have to take the fun out of it.

Big D: Thats what I said.

~In The Lab~

Hey Big D, what do you wanna build?


~Shakes Adams body~

Adam: Really!! I was in the best part of my dream, I was riding my pet pig to Wyoming

Why Wyoming Adam?

Adam: Why not?

Big D: Have this argument upstairs I need to build something by myself.

Hey! What about me?

Big D: Tasha left so I don't need you to do it anymore.

Adam lets go upstairs! I give a mean smirk to Big D.

Adam: This Elevator music is the Bomb!

It's just Big D singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Adam: Yeah, but that man knows how to sing.


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