Flames - Part 1

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"You should have died." The nurse says, helping me out of the hospital bed. I'm wearing a big gray t-shirt and jeans, both from goodwill, and my dark hair is a tangled mess. I haven't brushed it for days. "You should be so incredibly thankful that God saved you. Not even a burn, you are blessed, Juliet."

I don't answer her. I am still in shock. I can't feel my legs as I try to move towards the door, and end up collapsing in the nurse's arms. She helps me up, but I don't want her to touch me. Not after her comment.

I can feel my stunned dullness slowly morphing into a blind anger, and look her right in her naive blue eyes.

"I'm really glad that God saved me and watched as the rest of my family burned to death. I truly feel blessed." I snap, my voice crackly from disuse.

She answers calmly. "He works in strange ways, we must learn to accept that."

I don't have the effort to come up with another retort, so I just shake free of her grip and stumble over to the door. On the other side, there is an older woman with gray hair tied back in a bun. She looks professional. Her face is stern, but when she gives me a wide smile, something about it lights up like a child.

"Hello, Juliet." She offers her hand and I take it, surprised by how soft her skin is for a woman her age.


"I am Ruth Walker, headmistress at The Mayfield Institute. I'm here to take you to your new home."

I cringe, but fight back the tears. "Do I have to fill out any papers?"

Ruth shakes her head. "No, everything's taken care of. Just grab your bags and we will be off."

I look down at my feet and can't hold in the tears in any longer. A single drop rolls down my cheek, landing on the floor, so Ruth reaches over and takes my hands in hers. She looks at me and I can see the understanding sympathy painted in her eyes. She knows now that I have nothing left. No clothes, no books, no family. I want to look away, but I can't seem to. Something about her gaze makes me feel safe-the first time I've felt safe since the fire.

"I have some old clothes that will probably fit you back at Mayfield, don't worry." She leads me away from the hospital room, and we make our way down the the exit. When the warm summer air hits me, I close my eyes, and for the first time in four days, I crack a feeble smile. Ruth notices this and she flashes me another warm grin. I like her.

We approach a small black car with the words 'The Mayfield Institute' painted on the side in bold white letters. Ruth opens the backseat door for me. I climb inside and she takes her place in the front, turning over the engine.

"It's about a five hour drive to Mayfield, so feel free to take a nap."

I nod, but I doubt Ruth sees me. She's already pulling out of the hospital's parking lot. It isn't long afterwards that I fall asleep.


I am awakened by a jolt, and I gasp, upon first glance forgetting where I am.

"I'm so sorry, dear, railroad tracks." Ruth looks back at me through the rearview mirror. I tell her it's alright and look out of the window. On either side if the car, there are trees towering up into the sky, their dark leaves blowing ever so slightly. I look back at the tracks we just crossed, and that's when I notice that the road is made of dirt. The realization that I have no idea where Mayfield is hits me, and I feel a bit of panic begin to form. I don't know Ruth, and for all I know she is taking me out into the forest to be sold into prostitution.

She seems to notice my nervousness, because Ruth laughs. "I know, we're pretty secluded out here in the middle of nowhere, but it's an old house that was fairly inexpensive to buy, and God knows you don't make much money running an orphanage."

My fear begins to dissipate when we pull up to an old building that looks like it could have been a plantation home at one time. It's brightly-colored bricks contrast the dark atmosphere of the surrounding forest, making it welcoming. 'The Mayfield Institute' is in cream letters above the doorway.

Ruth pulls the car off into an area of dead grass, and turns it off. We both get out, and Ruth puts her arm around my shoulders, leading me up to the door. "Let's go meet your new family, shall we?"

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