Ice Cube's Origin

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"Everyone get up! Water's floodin' the bottom cabins!" The captain yelled at us through the closed door. "Wha-" was all Meg got out before Mom started saying, "C'mon Meg! This is serious! Where's your bag? The closet?" She started mumbling things they'd need to pack before leaving the ship. Meg got into about five layers of clothing before grabbing her phone and texting Macy, her friend back home, "ships floodin, we're ok tho. Can't wait to see u" and sticking it in her pocket as fast as she could. "Alright, phone, bag, everything packed in the bag?" She thought about how cold it would be, and slipped on two pairs of gloves. "Okay, okay. Ready to leave? Good thing we were able to get back to shore in time." Meg muttered, grabbing her bag and heading out the door into the cold.

"Woah," Meg said. She hadn't realized how cold it actually was. She chattered her teeth and looked ahead. There were about ten cabins, each looking about the size of a small house. "Probably about four to each cabin..." She thought to herself. Just as the first person was about to step off, there was a sudden lurch. "Ah!" Her foot slipped, but she got her footing back. She saw that some fell off the ship into the water. Meg and most of the other crew gasped. "Help th-" she almost cried, until Mom said to be quiet and listen. They were about a hundred yards from the shore, and the water was rising fast. "Mom, get in the lifeboat over there! I'll get everyone else in one." Her mom shouted, "Oh no your not, Missy!" She tried to grab her, but Meg was already hurrying off to get everyone else in a lifeboat. About a few minutes later, everyone was in a lifeboat, shouting the "thank you" and "your too young let the captain take care of it" sort of things. There was a sudden bump, and her foot slipped. She gasped as she fell off the side of the boat into the cold, black water.

Meg was cold. Not like the chills cold, but like the "I cannot feel anything but my brain right now" cold. She could be dead for all she knew. Then she felt the slightest hint of warmth. Just a smidge. Then it spread, like she was walking outside on a hot day. She opened her eyes just a little, surprised she even could. "Hold on, missy, hold on. Wait! I think I'm getting a beat!" It smelled like the lab, mixed with the doctors office. "Probably the hospital, or some secret lab, or maybe even a secret hospital!" She thought to herself. "Hey, c-can you hear me, Miss? I saw your eyes open up a little." The "Doctor" was mumbling something about her being awake, but not talking and scribbled something down on a slip of paper. "Hey, Doc." She said scratchily. "Hey, survivor. What's your name?" Meg tried to move her arm, but unexpectedly, it was tied down. "Why am I tied down like this? Where am I-" she coughed ", and what happened to me?"

"Well, it's a long story." The doctor started. "I got time," Meg said, trying to break the ice. (See what I did there? - Author) "Well, perhaps we could get started if you'd tell me your name." The doctor said. "Tell me yours." Meg said, not trusting him. "Doctor Winston, Class 5 doctor at ECTUEC. (Extreme Care of Things Under Extreme Circunstances)"

"Well, isn't that a large abbreviation, Dr. Winston?" Meg paused ", and can I get some water?"

"Shhh, name please." Dr. Winston said quietly. "Michael. Meg Bailee Michael." She said with a smirk. "And your water, Miss Meg." Dr. Winston handed her a plastic cup full of iced water and untied her from the- what looked like a dental chair to Meg. "Ah, thanks, Doc. Really needed that." She sighed as he walked out of the room. She took a long swig of her water and jumped- The water was suddenly frozen! "Ah! Dr. Winston! Doctor!" She started screaming for him, to no avail. She sighed, then brightened up. "Heh. Maybe I'll be like the Avengers and go around saving people. Spider-Man here I come!" She looked around the room... "Perhaps-" She posited her palm toward the door and concentrated on cold- ice, snow, and it coming out of her hand. It worked, and with a BANG she was out in minutes, walking through the hall like Loki just convinced Thor to give him his hammer. "Oh, yes." She said victoriously as she walked out a door that led to- straight outside! They were at least 50 stories up, and she missed the emergency ladder! But, surprisingly, and ice bridge started to form wherever her feet went. "Halt! We have weapons!" A few men in FBI suits pointed machine guns to her. "Pa-lease." She said as she froze the men in their place, hoping they were still alive. "Wow." She felt her pocket- her... phone?- was still there! She grabbed it and texted Macy, "trapped in ice for a few years; consequence; amazing ice powers. Can't tell anyone-secret identity."

❄️And that, my friends, is how it all got started.❄️


Authors: TheAmazingIceCube and Art_Fart. FOLLOW PLEASE?! Vote, Comment, and follow us! Tip: We're awesome people.

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