I'm So Sorry Readers (Chappie One Of Trainwreck)

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Oh. Hello. This. Is. Vriska. i dont usually type like kanaya ive been hanging out with her so much because of the lesbian-ness. I Have COME HERE TO TYPE OUT SOME TERR8BLE NEWS!!!!!!!! eridan and dirk are together. some how.. some way.. it has happened. please help us we are in grave danger. these two chaotic energies have morphed together and i fear what is to happen next. okay you know what let me start from the beginning so you can understand how we came to hell. 

we were just walking through the hall just minding our own damn business when eridan asked asked us about dirk. "Heh. Well. He exists." i politely responded to the fish dipshit "Y34H H3S OK4Y 1 GU3SS. W3 DONT 3V3R H4NG OUT." terezi shrugged and just ignored this asshole completely. whys he so small and annoying damn.  "wwwwwwhat if i asked him out??? ?? wwwwould that be okay??" we both looked at him like he was out of his damn mind but well hes eridan so we expected this.... "i dont really care. i dont think he would like you but do whatever." i was just about to leave "Y34H NOBODY R34LLY L1K3S YOU BUT YOU ST1LL S33M TO B3 H3R3 FOR SOM3 R34SON??" i was trying so hard not to laugh but then i realized it was eridan and so it didnt matter if i laughed in his face. so i did. i laughed in his face. "please... i just wwwwant someone to lovvvve.." he pouted and it was so funny like we actually cared if he was in pain "you wont find it here." i kept laughing as he sulked off. we hadnt seen him for the rest of the day and terezi was worried if we actually made him upset. i personally dont think he has feelings. 

dave and karkat came over for a study/movie night because it was friday. "H3Y GUYS!!!" terezi opened the door and welcomed the gays in "hey whats up fellow gays?" dave walked in with karkat. terezi and karkat were arguing about shit for like 10 minutes before we could even start. "hey dave whats up!" "vriska my brother just messaged me about that fishy asshole eridan. isnt that weird??" "oh my god... did eridan talk to your brother dirk..." "yeah isnt that weird? i thought they were totally different. theyve never talked to each other before. totally crazy" "uuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh... eridan asked if dirk was right for him im so pissed. eridan is so stupid" "hoooooly shiiiiit." dave started laughing "karkat! terezi! get over here! get in on this convo!!" he kept laughing "WHAT IS IT DAVE??" terezi jumped on the couch and karkat politely sat down; as politely as karkat CAN sit down. "eridan is trying to go out with dirk" dave said through tears of laughter, karkat looked really scared "DAVE... WHAT IF IT WORKS THOUGH... WHAT IF THEY GET TOGETHER" "nah man! that wouldnt ever happen" but it did ::::/ 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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HAS GOD FORSAKEN US (written by vriska and terezi)Where stories live. Discover now