Chapter 1

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Mikey scratched a hand through his green dyed hair, crouching down to pick up the mail that had been dropped off. He walked into the kitchen, handing them to his mother before running upstairs, sinking right into another videogame. This had been his life for the whole summer, however there were only two weeks left until school started back up again. Until his mother yelled up the stairs. He rolled his eyes, trodding downstairs.

"What?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow. His mother handed him a letter.

"You got accepted into a boarding school! I know it'll be hard being away from home but imagine the opportunities it will give-" She rambled, but Mikey had already booted it up the stairs, stumbling with the letter in his hand. He pulled up voice chat to talk to his friends.

"Guys! I got accepted into that really smart boarding school!" He announced, grinning from ear to ear. His friends rolled their eyes, not that he could see.

"Really? Didn't think they'd accept idiots like you~" They laughed at him. He pouted.

"Whatever. My aunt applied to go too, so I'm gonna log off and call her. Cya later freaks." He logged off, picking up his phone. His blue eyes darted across the screen as he pulled up his messenger app and pressed the screen. A ringing tone sounded out until his Aunt picked up. His aunt was only a few years older than him, so she was a lot cooler than most peoples aunts.

"Yellow?" She answered, jovial tone. 

"I got my results back from that Gakuen Institution. The boarding school we all applied for. Guess who got in!?" He cheered, bouncing on his bed.

"Aw that's awesome! Our mail hasn't come yet ugh." He could tell she was pouting.

"But I'm sure we all got in. It'll be really fun!" She chuckled.

"Yup. Alright, I'm gonna pack a bag. Talk to ya in a bit!" 

"See ya!" He looked around his room before pulling out his red suitcase from under his bed. 

"Here we go." He rubbed his hands together, looking into his closet. "It sucks that we'll have a uniform to wear..." He picks out some clothes for free time and places them into the suitcase, alongside pyjamas and socks and such. He picked up the brochure for the school he had on his desk, reading it again.

"Okay...Videogame consoles are allowed. Thank god." He pats his XBox, smiling.

"Too bad I'm going to have room mates." He thinks to himself, putting in some of his books. He walks downstairs to speak with his mother about plans on how to get there.


A ring sounded out. Kerrie giggled a bit. The call was answered.

"Hello?" Tamsin answered. Kerrie grinned, sitting back.

"You'll never guess what happened-" She begun, but was interrupted.

"Let me guess, you got accepted into the boarding school we applied for."

There was a beat of silence. "Wellllll um yeah-"

"Mikey called me before you, so I know you South guys have got your mail. Wherever it's coming from, it might take an extra day to get up West." She hummed.

"Sucks to be you! Aw I'm actually really nervous but I'm kinda excited." She sighed happily. Tamsin laughed. 

"Yeah it's gonna be weird. I hate that we're wearing Pinafores though."

"Ugh I know. Sure it'll be grand. I want to meet new people. Actually I lied, I don't , I'm terrified." She sucked in. Tamsin shook her head.

"We get roommates though, so that's cool." She typed endlessly at her laptop as they spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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