Since you guys liked finn x water im ganna make a sshrek and pennywise one....
So enjoy
_________________<_______<____So pennywise one was going hunting until he saw this green human?pass by the drain so pennywise said "hello shrek" and shrek said "HeLLo ThErE" and they kept talkung for so long that it toke a fucking year until they finished but then shrek was like you know what penny im comung down there so he crawled in the drain but he couldn't crawl all the wey so penny help with by pulling him be his ass so he pulled and pulled until shrek threw the drain and you can see a dent on the concrete then SHREK HAD BAM BAM!!!!WITH PENNY UNTIL THEY HAD THOUSANDS AND HUNDREDS BABY DONKEYS AND IT FILLED THE WHOLE ENTIRE ROOM AND THEY ALL DIED OF LACK OF OxYgeN...
The End!
Well there you go .... bye