Safe Haven

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Safe Havens. . .

Looking back on my earliest memories I can never remember a time where I was outside a safe haven...

Heck, I don't think anyone in my family has ever been outside of a safe haven...

But still...

Something has changed...

It doesn't feel the same...

I'm sure you're wondering more about me and less about safe havens... So allow me to be selfish and steal the spotlight.

Hi, my name is Jerric and I'm the youngest man alive...

I recently had my 27th birthday under the partcha tree in the middle of town, everyone was there to celebrate my youth...
It's quite a strange celebration...
I still don't understand why I needed to be showered in flower petals then immediately covered with oil...
But anyway I'm getting carried away... So back to me, I was born in the Palanx year of 21,998... At the time of my birth my mother's age was 3,076 years, and my father's age was 5,682 years.

I know what you're thinking, my parents seem very young... They are fairly young, yes, but that didn't stop them from having me... I'm quite grateful... I'm living am I not?

However if you don't understand and if this is confusing to anyone I guess I should get back to explaining Safe Havens now...

I am probably the most unlikely person to tell you about this stuff but I'm the only one here to do it so I guess I don't really have any other choice

A safe haven is a land on this world where no man or woman can die, they feel no sickness, and they feel no pain, aging is only a phenomenon that happens to those who are young, all aging processes stop at around the age of 21, it differs from person to person...

Any person over the age of 130 who steps out of a safe haven immediately dies...

That is a safe haven... A place with no death or pain.

But I am only 27...

So I can freely roam the outer-lands...

And they just might need me to...

If these rumors are true...

That the havens are failing...


"Jerric, you're just a kid... Stop trying to investigate the Havens, this is hardly even your world! You've been here for such a short time."

These were the words of Jerric's father Randy...
Even if they are harsh words to swallow, even Jerric's mother Diane agreed.

"Listen to your father, this isn't something you should concern yourself with."

"I don't care how many times you tell me those words, If we were on our home world, I would've lived a 3rd of my life already! Which means I'm enough of an adult to make these decisions!"

"Son you're speaking of a world that no one in this room has ever known, and so it has no relevance to the subject"

"You're wrong! You have so many years of experience yet you chose to use them all unwisely! I know more about these Havens than any man has ever known."

"Have you been speaking to the empowered again? They are locked up for a reason, you know that you're not to talk to them."

"As far as I'm concerned you can threaten me all you want... This is my life to live and I'm choosing my path! I'm tired of being treated like a kid just because I lack some of the same knowledge, I am far more intelligent than many of these 10k's... It doesn't matter how much they know, my intelligence is much farther progressed."

"If I here one more disrespectful thing come out of your mouth I-"

"Randy, your son is right."

The words came from a ninja with white hair, his mouth covered by a blue mask, and a scar over his left eye.
How experienced this man is in all areas of life could plainly be seen through his stance and aura of confidence.

"Kakashi, this is of earth business, your world has no part in this."

"You are wrong again... We all play a part in this... The amount of people who long to return to their home worlds far surpasses the amount of people born of this world. Have you gotten too comfortable here to realize that this is not where any of us belong? We all need to be back in our home worlds... The Havens are the key... Your son has more wits about him than anyone else in this age... If we're all going to return home, your son is on the right track."

Jerric had never met this man before but he knew the name Kakashi.

Jerric to himself:
"Kakashi... One of the few empowered that weren't locked up in this haven... There are many empowered in many havens but only few are allowed to roam around within their respective havens"

"You're making a mistake giving him those false encouragements..."

"We're just protecting him from himself Kakashi."

Again you both misunderstand the situation... Let's not forget who has been here longer... The moment this world came to be... I was here... And I haven't stopped since then... I haven't stopped searching for ways to get back home... I have been confined to this haven for far too long now... But stuck in this world for even longer... 22,025 years... Are you prepared to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about? To me... You are children...
I knew a boy once.. Who despite his age or how anyone treated him... He was determined to be the village leader one day... And determined to save everyone he cared about... No matter how hard you would try to stop him... He would fight the odds and win... He became our world's hero.
In this world he's locked up because of his enormous power, and although I don't agree with that... It's not my main concern, if we all make it home safely... Then he will be freed also... So my main concern is finding out how to get us all home... So regardless of your feelings... I must take your son with me so we can all go home... 22,025 years... That's way too many years away from home."

"Kakashi I understand where you're coming from, but you can't do whatever you want because of your status... And you can't choose the path of our son, especially if you say that we can't choose his path, seriously who do you think you are coming he-"

"I'll go with you, Kakashi."

"Good, training starts at dawn."

Randy, Diane, & Jerric:

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