Ying and Yang

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Death is a rather curious thing.

The living seem to understand that much about the whole psychological phenomenon... and not much else, unfortunately. The living can guess and guess, and eventually it will almost kill them anyways, the not knowing. But they won't ever get it because well... they aren't dead.

I suppose the one belief most every being on earth has in common is that life and death is like black and white. They fit together perfectly with no space in between, they're ying and yang. If you aren't dead you're alive and if you're alive you're not dead; the scenarios work against each other in absolute perfection.

Though ying and yang is actually quite a brilliant spiritual theory, it isn't exactly true. In fact it isn't even true in the most remote sense. The world isn't in exact balance nor is anything else beyond it. there's a lot of gray area in between whatever black and white is actually there.

Death is that gray area.

Meaning there is not just something beyond life but something beyond death and most probably even something beyond that.

This is where I assume you have actually become interested in what exactly is beyond everything your mortal mind actually comprehends, and this is also where my understanding most unfortunately ends. I'm sorry to say the dead's knowledge doesn't reach far beyond death itself.

It is also probably about time I introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Windrex. I was seventeen and a half years of age when I died. I have been dead for precisely four mortal years. I decided to start writing this now because something is wrong. Not just I dead at seventeen kind of wrong, but really, unbelievably, horrendously, scary wrong.

See, we're being watched. Right now

I don't know by who, and not knowing is not something the dead are frequently accustomed to.

I'm scared. Unbelievably, horrendously scared.

If you happen to be reading this--I'm definitely not alive, but I might not even be dead anymore either. Something very much worse.

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