3. snow peircer

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Taehyung pov: present

"What do you mean 'Jimin Ran Away'?"
"He-he left this morning whil i was at work. He left me this letter."
Jungkook handed me the envelope.
"...6 clues?" I closed the note and he handed me another envelope.
Inside was a slip of paper.
' 스노우 필러처럼, 나는 혼자있게되었다. 당신의 손을 잡고 싶어 그리고 지구 반대편으로 가라'

"What?... 'Like a snowpiercer, I was left alone
I wanna hold your hand
And go to the other side of the earth'...like a snow peircer?....."
I then remembered my own letter. I opened the envelope and pulled out anither slip of paper.

'In order to find me you need all 6 clues. In order to have all the brothers
Here's your clue taetae:
He taught you english and complimented your style, out of all of us he was who hasn't talked to you the longest while.'

I looked at jungkok and read it aloud.
"He means Namjoon hyung" he gasped.
"So let's go to Namjoon hyung's home."
"Where is he?"
"I have an idea.."

Namjoon Pov:

I got home from my job as a bell boy for a hotel in the busy part of seuol and my second job at the gas station.
"excuse me sir are you KIM NAMJOON?" A confused mailman asked me
I closed the door after receiving the letter and walked to the kitchen, i live at the abandoned trainstation in a tiny house on the lot.
I took the letter and as i was opening it another knock on the door.
I opened it "yes?"
"Joonie hyung"
"Ta-taehyung!? Jungkook!?"
The two smiled sheepishly and we all embraced, 5 years being too long.
"Oh my god! You two why are you here?!"
I ushered them inside.
"We'll explain later hyung. But did you get a letter!?"
"Yes. Just before you came why?"
They looked at each other.
"The letters...they're clues." Taehyung explained
"Clues to what?" I asked
"Jimin is missing ok!? And our clue told us to come here in the middle of the fucking night in december...." jungkook snapped

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