Hey my name is Nanami i I am a goddess I have a familiar his name is Tomoe he is a fox demon, he is also a grouch and he has no emotions so you could call him a bummer if you want. read one to for me to tell you our story.( This is not how they act...
( so this chapter is about tomoe and violet going somewhere but nanami begged to go and now she's the third wheel. Welp it was her fault for wanting to go am I right?? oh and the kimono is the on violet is going to wear.)
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So me and tomoe are going on a walk around town we might have to fight some bad yokai so I put on a easy kimono to fight in. "You ready Violet?!" Tomoe yelled also we are going to have to bring Nanami 'cause she would not stop begging so we said yeah. Tomeo still has long hair he looks good in long hair but It's weird to see him in long hair. So I walked down to see Nanami flirting with Tomoe what ever :\. " So Tomoe why do you have long hair??" Nanami struck me a dirty look what did I do all I did was ask a simple question. " Because I had to break the familiar bound to find you now Nanami will not bind the familiar bound." " Will you just seal the bound 'cause if you don't he will turn into a wild fox again and might even kill us thank you very much?" I said. " Then I have to break our familiar bound." I said " Okay as long as he doesn't turn to a wild fox and harm you." She then broke the bound and now I had hair that went to my ankles and so much for that die my hair went back to white I grew taller and every thing on got bigger other than my stomache. " Hey look your not ugly anymore Voilet." Nanami laughed. " I have nothing to do with you now so if you would excuse me filthy land god." Welp my atitude just changed completly but I could care less about her now. " Wait violet." Tomoe said " The same thing might happen to you to if you don't seal the bound." " You are stonger than me and yo have people to care about you if you get hurt or possibly pass away me on the other hand have my cat and that's about it anyways a few hundred years ago i cheerished life now every day I want to leave fare well Tomoe." Then I kissed his cheek then flew away on my fox fire...