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Previously on Lucy's Change.........

The portal glowed a dark blue, I looked nervously at it..... I have mastered all dragon slayer magic..... but that comes at a cost.... I get terrible motion sickness like them sometimes when I travel...... and traveling through a portal....... its a million times wprse then anything on wheel or on water......

My face started turning a light blue, Sesshomaru just rolled his eyes, already knowing I sometimes have motion sickness. He grabbed me by the waist, and threw me over his shoulder, "Dont you dare throw up on me! I may love you, but I will kill you still if you do!" He shot a glare at me, ignoring my blue face. He then jumped through the portal.

 "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Sesshomaruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Stooooooppppppppp!" I screamed, but it was too late, we had entered the portal..........

You know what a portal feels like!?! It feels like your falling forever! Just ffffffffffaaaaaaaaallllllllllliiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggg...........!!!!!!! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 😭😭!?!?!?!

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lucy's Pov ⭐️⭐️⭐️

"I'm going to die! A slow and painful death! *Gag* Someone please! Put me out of my misery-" But before I could finish my pitiful sentence, we had gotten to where my friends were. They were still in the forest clearing, but were around a fire, cooking what I think is lunch. My face was still blue, and I couldn't get the world to stop spinning, "Whyyy is everything spiningggggg?? Ooooooo I see a bright white light! Mom is that you?" "NO! DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT!!" Everyone tackled me, shaking me out of the portal's last side affects. 

I rolled over, and pushed myself to my feet, after I shoved everyone off of me, "Sesshomaru! You forgot to remind me how bad it is in a portal!" He shrugged, "I never remember anything when I am in a portal." Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the new people that came with Sesshomaru, "Nice to meet you all! I am Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of the Apocalyse!" I smiled a bright smile. The girl with the bow and quiver, wearing a more modern choice of clothing, stood up and shook my hand eagerly, "Kagome! Nice to meet you Lucy!" She smiled so innocently, my eye twitched. The g- I mean Kagome pulled up the boy with white hair, gold eyes, and wolf ears like mine. He was grumbling something about me being Sesshomaru's wench or somethin-......... wait......  Tick marks appearing on my head, my dark aura spread itself again, everyone except the dumbass infront of my and Sesshomaru, who was somehow next to me, backed up. "Wench? Doesn't that word turn in concubine?...... Or slut?......." I asked in a neutral voice, je hadn't noticed my aura yet, "Oh...... Yeah! That's the correct word! So your Sesshomaru's Slut then?" He asked, in a semi-confused voice.

OK THAT'S IT!?! I transformed into one my demon forms, my wings grew out, horns grew on my head, my tail slimmed down, eyes turned blood red, with black pupils, my nails turned to talons, my teeth grew to sharp points , my hair was still black with multi-colored parts. Black and gold armor covered my body, twin swords appeared in my hands. 

I turned my head slowly toward the white haired idiot infront of me, "Hmmm since you keep on insulting me and Sesshomaru mostly, I would assume, Inuyasha?" My eyes glowing blood red, as he flinched back, "Y-Yea. W-Who are y-you?" I smirked showing my rows of canines, "I thought you heard me when I intoduced myself. Were you not listening? I am Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of the Apocalyse, or daughter of Baalialitimitian!" His eyes widened, and soon started to run away, "Nooooo! Have mercy on me Reaper! Im sorry! Im sorry! Im sorry for calling you a slut and a wench!" He was trying to wiggle out of my grasp, as I caught him and lifted him up in the air, "As Long as your truely sorry...... I forgive you Inuyasha..." I let him down, watching as he collapsed. 

I shook my head, "I still dont understand how both of you guys are Angel and Demon like me!" I huffed, pouting on the ground again, "I dont feel speacial anymore!" Sesshomaru, deciding it was a good idea, picked up Rin, Naruto, Saske, Laxus, and Gajeel, and threw them all at me. "You are growing weak! Stop doing that!" He snapped, angry at me. As I doged all of them, he threw his sword at me, it peirced the middle of my neck. I fell on my butt, coughing up blood furiously. I glared up at him, "S-So much f-for F-fiancee, huh?" I slammed into the ground on my back, seeing black as I passed out, but not before I felt someone grab me, shouting, "Lucy!?!" The last thing I saw before I went under, was a flash of bright pink and a faint, "NATSU!.!" 

Helllllooo Minnnnaaaaa! Sorry for not writing for a couple days!! 😰 I'll try to keep up on the days again! Dont worry! (If anyone cares...... that is.......)

Blood Eclipse 2453 😊✨ out.................

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