Movie Night

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*I was suddenly hit with an intense urge to write a one-shot for this series, so here we are! It's been a draft on my page FOREVERRRR. It's just a glimpse into an ordinary day for the Avengers and Calypso, taking place a week or so before the events of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' begin. Comments and feedback are welcome, and encouraged, as always! Enjoy!*

"Steve– nope, he's gone– I can hear you laughing, Rogers!" Calypso bellowed, watching as Steve's form grew smaller and smaller, finally disappearing around the end of the block. "Is he always like this on your morning jogs?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Yes he is," Rumlow chuckled, slowing to a complete stop outside of Avengers Tower. Calypso followed suit, bending over to place her hands against her knees, breathing deeply. Rumlow only stretched, giving her a strange glance while her eyes were turned toward the ground.

"On your left," was the only warning either got before Steve had breezed by again, nearly toppling Calypso as she startled and struggled to right herself.

"You're going to be sleeping on the left of the couch if you keep that up!" Calypso shrieked after him, muttering obscenities under her breath after Steve was out of sight. Rumlow only smiled tightly, watching as the woman's cheeks went red with indignation.

"Well, I've got to be heading back. I've got a lot of business to take care of before we leave," he said, stretching his arms out one last time.

"Alright! We'll see you in D.C.," Calypso said, leaning in for a hug. It was brief, and if Calypso had seen the absolutely predatory expression that Rumlow wore, a slip in his usual mask, the embrace never would have happened at all.

"See you then," Rumlow replied, composing himself and plastering a soft smile onto his face. He then turned and jogged across the street, heading southwards until he was lost in the New York crowds.

"Sleeping on the couch?" a voice muttered in her ear, and Calypso huffed, not bothering to turn toward the super soldier as she entered the building, nodding at the guard who stood behind the front desk.

"Yes on the couch," Calypso hissed once they were in the elevator. Steve only continued to smile; he was actually beaming, the white of his teeth almost blinding under the fluorescents. It was incredibly disarming.

"Stop grinning like that, you big lug," Calypso muttered, feeling a smile of her own start to tug at her lips. Steve didn't respond and Calypso rolled her eyes, stepping off onto their floor when the elevator chimed.

"You look like you had fun."

"Jesus!" Calypso screamed, whirling around to face grinning Natasha, hand gripping her chest. She was seated at the kitchen's island, a mug of steaming coffee clasped between her hands.

"Not even close," Natasha quipped, taking a sip of her drink.

"When did you get back?!" Calypso exclaimed, hurrying over to the island.

"I'm going to go take a shower, give you guys some time to catch up," Steve announced, waving to Natasha, before making a hasty retreat down the hall and into the bedroom.

"I got back a few hours ago with Clint. He's in one of the cafeterias, I'm sure," Natasha said, as Calypso took the seat beside her.

"How'd the mission go?" Calypso asked, and Nat shrugged, indifference coloring her features.

"Successful." Calypso didn't push for more. "Are you all packed?"

"Mostly, I just need to throw in a few more things," Calypso said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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