Welcome back Y/n

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(Your Pov)

You woke up in a field of gold flowers. Where am I? All you could see was Gold and Black. You stood up and saw three little kids running through the field. And watching them was a skeleton with a giant paintbrush. He smiled and waved at you. He tried to say something but you couldn't hear him.


Everything suddenly went red and the three kids disappeared and the skeleton started turning to dust.


You woke up. Looking around you were in a bedroom but you didn't recognize it. You heard arguing outside the room.

"Why did you bring her here Error!?"

"I hAd nO cHoIcE InK!"

"You had no choice?! Chara will be pissed to know she's here!"

"YoU'rE nOt ActInG lIkE yOuRsElf!! ThE gIrl In YoUr RoOm iS yOuR WiFe!!"

"My wife? Error you have finally lost it! I'm dating Chara!"

Everything came back to you. Your kids and Ink. Hearing he was with your traitor brother was what broke you. You got up and slammed open the door, tears running down your face. Error and Ink looked at you in shock. You walked over and slapped Ink. "I remember everything now Error." You ran out of the house crying.

"y/N!!" Error chased after you with Ink standing there still processing what happened.

To be continued...

Hey Kiddos sorry got busy with work and haven't had time to work on this but here you go!

Word count: 254

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