Date (Gone Wrong)

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(Taehyung pov)

I lay on my couch looking at everybody's tweets on Twitter. Normally I would be scrolling through Instagram or watching people snaps on Snapchat but it's being a while since I went on Twitter. Today me and Hoseok are going on a date. The Cafe is always closed on Sundays and Hoseok doesn't get off until 7:00. Last night I ask him where would he like to go for our date, he said that he really wanted to go to the aquarium. So I'm taking him out to eat first and then will go to the aquarium and luck for us, the aquarium doesn't close until 9:45. I don't know why but I feel really nervose. Why do I feel so nervose and why is it that whenever I think about him my heart beats faster? Am I falling in love? I felt my self-start to blush as I think about Hoseok but why?

(Hoseok pov)

Namjoon you look fine. I tell him. Namjoon is my client and my best friend. I plan his outfits and help him prepare for important events. Today he is going on a date with a guy name Jin and wants to look his best so he being picker than usual.

"What if he doesn't like what I'm wearing?"

Namjoon, chill out. You'll be fine I promise.

"You sure?" he asks.

Yes. He's your boyfriend he loves you no matter what you were. I reassure him.

"Were not official." 

What! What are you waiting for?

"Don't worry, I'm asking him tonight."

Good. I said smiling.

(Time skip)

(Taehyung pov)

It's finally time for me and Hoseok to meet up. I wear my blue jeans, white t-shirt and a black hoodie. I take my phone from out of my back pocket and start to text Hoseok.

Tae: R u ready???

Hoseok: Yes. Do u know where ur going?

Tae: Yeah

Tae: I'll be there soon

Hoseok: K

I put my phone in my back pocket and grab my keys.

(Time Skip)

I finally arrived to place where Hoseok told me to meet him. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and text him again.

Tae: I'm outside

Hoseok: i'm coming

Hoseok walks out of the building and sees my car. I open the door for him and he hops in the car beside me. Wow, what is this place? I ask him.

"It's where one of my client lives. I was helping him prepare for their date today," he said.

Are you ready for ours? I ask. I saw a light layer of pink spread over his face.

"Yeah, I'm ready," he said trying not to blush before I drove off.

(Time skip)

"I will take a Tripple Bacon Cheese Burger, please," said Hoseok.

"Ok. One Tripple Bacon Cheese and one Ham and cheese quesadilla both with fries. Coming right up." said the waiter before leaving. I let my eyes explore the restaurant before resting them on Hoseok. 

What is this place? I finally ask him. He lets his eyes wander around and then letting them rest on me.

"When I was a little kid my mom use to take me here all the time."

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