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Dipper's P.O.V
It's been 7 years since I've left to Gravity falls. Me and my twin sister decided to go back and live there. "Mable! Are you ready?" I yelled. "Yeah!" She yelled back hearing stomps from upstairs. She hugged me tightly "I'm so excited bro! We'll be seeing the shack and everyone!" She spun me around both laughing "yeah can't wait!" We grabbed our bags and left the house saying goodbye to our parents before we go in the bus.

We sat in the back talking about the good old times in gravity falls. "Hey Dipper you'll probably find a boy and do something at home?" She smirked at me while I was blushing like crazy punching her arm playfully. I turned out to be Gay and told my parents about it 3 years ago. They accepted me and so did Mable. I dated a girl name Vanielle for a year and broke up because I never felt anything towards her. I started dating a couple of boys but it didn't work out between us and now here I am on a bus going to gravity falls.

🔽🔼🔽hours later🔼🔽🔼
we're finally here at gravity falls. I glanced at Mable only seeing her screaming with excitement while I was laughing. "Hey kids!" We smiled happily. "Hey grunkle stan, ford!" We hugged together. Before my eyes was the shack. The good old shack we used to live in since we were 12. "Why don't you go inside kid. Wendy has been waiting. I nodded and went inside seeing Wendy looking behind her seeing me. " hey Wendy it's been a long time!" She punched me on the arm giggling "same to you dude ugh it's been so long!" We laughed and talked about things that's been happening after I left. "I'm going to go upstairs to see my room" she nodded. I went upstairs to the attic seeing my old bed, bookshelves and other things. "Pinetree?" I stiffened. I know that voice. I looked behind me seeing a young man same age as me short blonde with black on the back of his hair wearing a yellow suit with a black bowtie and top hat. "B-Bill?!" He smiled "it's been years kid!" He walked towards me while I was backing up "why are you here?! And where did you get the human form?!" I asked curiously "I wanted to see my favourite pinetree! And no I did not steal this body I made it!" He finished grinning at me. "You... made it" I was  shocked. A demon that is no longer a triangle form, It's not like I didn't like it in fact I loved it. He looked cute. "Cute? Why did I say that!" I thought hearing a chuckle. "Thanks Pinetree! Your not falling in love with me are you?" He smirked. A blush creeped onto my face "of course not!" I replied looking away so he couldn't see my red face which immediately failed because I heard a giggle. "Sureeee" he sarcastically said. "Well I'm going to do my job now" my eyes widened "you work at the shack!" He nodded walking to the door."see ya around pinetree" he waved opening the door not noticing Mable at the doorway almost about to open it but instead looked shock seeing a guy she didn't know was in my room. He closed the door only leaving me and Mable in the room with a awkward silence. Until mable broke it. "So.. who's the cutie and are you guys a thing now? Cause I SHIP IT!" I blushed madly "Mable! We're not a thing! And! It was Bill! Bill cipher 'the' dream demon" her eyes widened with shock "the bill that tried to rule gravity falls" I nodded. "Well.. He's still cute though" I sigh "Mable" I was interrupted by Mable saying the word that would always make me blush "you could maybe do it" she said smirking while wiggling her eyebrows. "Get out!" I said opening the door for her to leave while she was giggling skipping her way out. I closed the door sighing. I heard Mable say something out of her mouth but couldn't make it  our what she said but I'm pretty sure she said something about asking bill out or something that made me blush. "I've been blushing a lot today all because of bill!" I said to myself. "Yes and it's definitely cute when you blush pinetree!" I heard behind me. I groaned "I thought you were going to do your job!" I said frustrated "i did.. well not most of it but it'll be fine! Red is doing it.. and it was hard to leave you!" He exclaimed. "Dipper! Who are you talking to?!" Mable yelled.  I tended up when Mable started coming upstairs "U-uh... Waddles!" I said "Oh... Ok!!" I sigh nervously when I heard mables footsteps disappearing while bill was muffling his laughing with his hand. "It's not funny! I basically saved your ass" I swear if Mable came upstairs seeing me and bill in my room 'again' she would mostly fangirl. "Sorry pinetree but it was just funny! You should quiet down your voice" I rolled my eyes. Why aren't I telling him to get out of the house or leave! My thoughts were giving me a headaches untill bill picked me up interrupting my thoughts. I yelped at the sudden touch "H-Hey put me down!" I yelled punching and kicking him but wouldn't budge "Nope! your coming with me!" He said. I could feel the disturbance that bill is smirking. Something is up. He put me down on a comfy couch and think that he went downstairs because I could see Mable giggling in the background. "You put me downstairs? You could've just asked me to go down" "but I wanted to hold you.." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and read a book called 'everyone lies' (great name for a book slowly clapping)

3 hours later I'm lazy⏫
"Pinetree!! I'm bored!" Bill said groaning. "I don't care" I replied getting slightly annoyed. "Pleeeeeeaaaaassssse" he pleaded. I ignored him. "Pinetree don't ignore me" ".... " he started saying Pinetree many many times making me angry and annoyed (very) that I couldn't do it anymore I throw my book on the ground "WHAT" I yelled staring at him with a death glare "let's play!" He said happily. I groaned in annoyance and nodded. He grabbed my arm and went out of the shack heading towards the forest (woods? Idk) I saw Mable smiling and waving goodbye 'she's not helping!?' "Bye shooting star!! I'll come back with Dipper at midnight" she nodded and grinned at me before closing the door. I sigh

This is going to be a loooooooong year of annoyance.

Yup I know how it feels.. anyways hope you enjoy the first chapter and uhh ya... I will continue it and I will make it right now... and I know my typing is bad I'll get better dun worry!

PS : Don't judge me! (One of my friend ) it's my story no changing it!! Billdip is everything ;-;
untill next time


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