Chapter 1

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Naomi is the only girl in my world, the girl of my dreams. Ever since I first turned at the age of 16 my heart, soul, and overall existence has been devoted to this girl. She is my first true love, my longest relationship, and I soulprinted on her instantly. The only thing is she is my best friend and just that, nothing more.

    Every time I see Naomi I can’t help but feel like a little piece of me gets cut away to feed her soul. I’d literally cut my heart into a bunch of little tiny pieces and give them to her, if it meant I could be hers.

    But I can’t, I never wanted Naomi to know what I can do and what I've become but eventually she did find out.

    That summer was an interesting one for the both of us. She’d gotten asked out by Timmy the, and I quote, “hottest thing that has ever stepped foot in Parkview High School.” I got to be the one she told everything too. Even then, before I changed, I knew my heart belonged to her. And every word she spoke fondly of him, I just imagined she was talking that way about me so I smiled and nodded, encouraging her to be happy.

    One night after Naomi and I had said “Goodnight” at the end of our routine, before bed phone calls, something happened to me.

    I felt awful. My whole body was in a siring pain. Even in the summer the temperature of the night was only 80 degrees but my insides had burned hot like a furnace. My father explained to me what was going on and explained everything to me. My mother had died when I was a baby so she wasn’t there to witness my turning, or any milestone in my life for that matter. I never knew her but the way my dad talks about her it’s like he tries to keep her memory alive so I won’t forget her.

    Anyway, he explained to me what I was going through, the change. It had always been in our family’s blood line but the gene only arose from its dormant state, in the Gray family blood line, whenever vampires were near.

    Considering my mental state wasn’t at its peak, as I withered in pain for over 5 days while my body transformed, I didn’t really listen to the story much.

    It goes something like this. The Indian tribe of Forester, Oregon got attacked by vampires over a century back. The Forester tribe, my tribe, had always believed that inside of every man was a wolf and every woman was a perfect mate for every man. The strongest and bravest of people would be able to harness their wolf and in a sense transform themselves into one.

    As werewolves we become vicious carnivores, feasting on everything, eating deer’s, rabbits, squires, and even humans on the unfortunate occasion. We can remember everything when are wolves but half of our existence is being controlled by the inner instincts of the wolf. 

   We aren’t exactly the safest beings to be around during a full moon, when the wolf takes over 90% of our existence, but we are most definitely safer than the vampires. At least we have hearts, beating ones anyway.

    Every vampire I’ve killed has been a ruthless and evil killer with glowing red eyes, trying to feast upon anything with a pulse. 

    My pack and I have managed to keep the vampires in our area away and there has definitely been a dramatic decrease in vampire population over the last year.

    The thing about vampires is that we . . . well . . . we sort of grow based on the vampire population. So when I was 15 and as the vampire population started to rise . . . so did I. 

    That withering feeling in my body and all of my scotching fever was my cells being attacked by the previously dormant werewolf gene. Everything got altered from head to toe things had changed. My feet grew, my skin became clear (old scars gone and no acne), my muscles ballooned up, but able all my bones grew, like overnight. I went from a below average 5’ 6” to 6’ 10” in less than a week. It wasn’t as if I just got taller vertically it was as if my whole body just grew bigger and bigger. The one not so attractive thing that had started to grow out of me was body hair. The hair on my arms, legs chest, and happy trail had thickened and darkened, my face was starting to spurt hair too.

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