The Truth

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Hello everyone!

It has been a very, VERY long time... I know! I am so sorry for that. I know I say the same things every time, but this time it is true.

I have been so busy with life and work for so long. I should also probably explain a little as to why I stopped writing in the first place. Each and every one of you deserve an explanation, especially all of you that have stuck with me through this long journey. I guess I will start from where it all went downhill...


As most of you may know, I was in a very happy relationship with an amazing guy. I gave him all of my attention in the beginning, which is why I stopped writing in the first place. Every minute of every day I gave to him. I am pretty sure that is how most relationships are in the beginning.

He was smart, funny, kind, and extremely attractive.

However, as the months went by, I slowly went back into my writing. He didn't really seem to like it though, because we used to talk every minute of every day, and he didn't like that my attention was off of him. He made me feel bad every time I wanted to write, and little naive me didn't realize what was going on. I didn't see the big picture.

So, not wanting to make him feel neglected, I stopped writing again. And, as you all know, it was for a long time.

The year came and gone, and by our year and a half mark... things took a turn for the worse.

He got overly possessive. He would get angry at me for going out with friends, even if they were just girls. Saying I never had any time for him when I had just spend the entire week with him. He got angry at me for not coming over because I wanted to hang out with my family. I saw more of his family the entire time we were together then I did of my own.

We talked about the future. Getting married and having kids. We were going to move in together. Even had our first boy's name picked out. I thought he was the one, but, I was wrong. When he would get angry, he would talk about our future kids and say they were 'his kids'. Not ours, his. He tried to leave with me when I told him I did not want to go with him. I had to forcefully remove myself from the situation. Thankfully, no one got hurt. After the incident, I didn't feel safe around him. I would panic every time I walked outside of my house or my work. I did not talk to him for a week. No communication whatsoever.

Finally I asked him to come over to my house so we could talk. Afraid of what might happen, I set up a hidden camera and recorded our break-up. Thankfully, nothing happened and nobody got hurt. Probably because he could see the camera though...

We were together for almost two years, and broke up in December. In an effort to keep me, he pulled out the 'I was going to propose' card. It didn't make things any harder however, because I had already made up my mind. It was just kind of a slap in the face... you know?


I have been working and partying non-stop. Yes, that sounds bad, but it's actually not. I have spent more time with my family this year, I made some amazing friends who have gotten me to try, (and drink), new things. Also, one more BIG thing has kept me SUPER busy lately...

I am currently in the process of purchasing my first house!

Just turned twenty two months ago, and am buying a house, all with the money I have saved ON MY OWN! No man, no help from parents, nothing. Just hard work. God is good!


So everyone, this has been a log time coming. A long time.

I started writing on Wattpad when I was twelve. I stumbled across this website and figured, why not give it a try? I didn't want anyone to know me personally, as I knew from experience how horribly wrong that could go. I told myself when I turned eighteen, I would finally say my name. (First name, only.)

Also, I had never posted a picture of myself because: #1: I was young and #2: I didn't want followers or likes based on how I looked. I wanted to make sure that whoever liked my story, whoever followed me, did it because they actually ENJOYED what I had to write.

All of you have lifted me up throughout the years. Whether it be on my little rants, through private messages, or even just giving my story a like... It has really meant the world to me. If I could personally give each and every one of you a little gold star, I would. Each and every one of you are special and great in your own way. I can not thank you enough or tell you just how much these past six years have meant to me. Every time I looked at my phone and saw that little Wattpad notification at the top, it made my heart flutter. I would not be here without all of your support. It has been a long and rough ride, but it was only just the beginning of my lifelong journey.

So, finally, I will be showing all of you just who I really am.

My name is Megan. I am twenty years old, and I will be a new homeowner in less than a month. I love God. I believe in the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I love helping animals. I want to go to school to be a vet tech. I love writing. I love photography. I have faith in His plan.

I know that God has a great purpose for each and every one of you. I know that someone reading this is going through cancer, and they have lost faith. They're trying and trying not to give up hope, but you feel alone. You feel like he is not listening to you and you don't know why. You don't know what you did wrong to deserve this and you don't understand why he would let it happen. I don't know you personally, but you can message me anytime if you need to talk. I am here for you. Believe it or not, God is here for you. I have faith that things will be okay. Nothing on earth could ever change the amazing plan that God has laid out for you since the day you were born. Everything is going to be okay. I am here for you. God is here for you. All of the people reading this right now are here for you and we are here to lift you up and encourage you when you feel like giving up. Why? Because we love you and our hearts and prayers go out to you. God has got you.

I know that everyone here is going through something. I don't know all of you, to be honest, I barely know any of you. But if anyone ever needs someone to talk to, someone who's not going to judge you, I am here. Pray. God is here. Trust me when I say prayer works. He has always answered, and he always will. Not always in the way you may expect, but he will answer you. Have faith, because God's got this.

Now, without further adieu, it is time for me to reveal the real me.

This is real

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This is real. This is me.

Thank you all for all of the love and support over the years, and as soon as I get settled into my new home, I will try to get out of my funk and back on the computer!

Love you all so much and God bless!


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