i cant imagine...

50 3 4

Its been done, the moment you walked in on him with her, you were done, your heart ,broken and bleeding


He leaves without a word, too shocked by what he had done

You go to your room, angry, throwing the sheets off , tainted with the sinful deed he'd done with her, you cant take it, you scream and scream, letting out all kinds of emotions, youve been played, you were hurt and it was his fault

Time passes and you dont realize it until you wake up, its now almost 2 am, rain is pouring and you feel the dried tears on your face.

A knock at the door .probably your neighbors asking about the lights still being on.
Opening the door hes there, you want to kick him, hit him, scream at him, but nothing.

Old record tapes playing in the living room
And he opens his mouth,
"This morning...you said..that there, was nothing that we wouldnt work past together..."

The music drowns out

You were mad, pulling your arm back as his hand reached for yours, and yelling
"What the hell did i know?!" Your voice cracking
"Look!theres got to be some way we can work past this...ok..i cant..i cant imagine what my life would be like without you...you know.."
"W-without .." his voice was shaking at this point his body was heaving "these arms..." he croaked out, a tear slipping out, then another, and another,"
You sniffled from the tears that fell ealier, new ones forming each second he spoke,"your face..." he reached and you whipped your head away disgusted..
"Your heart...your..g-good heart.." now he sobbed, he couldnt speak, stuttering on his own appologies, hiccuping after every sentence, you sniff again, your mouth quivering as you frown.

"No..." you say
"I c-cant" another sob.."youre a totally different person to me now...i used to think id be with somebody who would never, ever,hurt me..ever..god.. and now i just cant stop picturing you with her..i cant it doesnt matter what you say or what you do jungkook..." another wave of emotions hit you and you let out a pained cry, hes staring at you, his face red and wet from tears, his eyes shut and teeth bared he cant stand to know he was the one who made you like this,"this just changed everything forever" breathing in and out, he coughs out his tears now..
"(Y/n) please..this cant be it..no.."

Youre practically seething at him, you stare right into his eyes and he stares back with hope, that youll let him in, youll forgive him, youll try and work things out...that you'll still love him as he does you..

Hes still standing in the rain
Hes still here
Hes still trying to make up for what he did
Its unforgivable
You wipe your tears and straighten up

"Then how come it is?" And with that, you slam the door, leaving him alone, cold, and broken, just as you were.

The music returns to your ears and you frown, how can somthing so meaningful sound so painful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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