CH.1 A promise on the death bed

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a smiling blue haired girl ran through a meadow to her house with a cute baby fox exceed in her hand who happened to resemble her father the girl ran inside "mama!" the bluenette said her smile fading "mama?" she walked closer to the blue haired women on the bed beside her a scarlet head who had been visiting with a black panther exceed along with his wife an orange wolf with purple eyes "juvia..." the wolf exceed said crying "this is happening to such a kind women...." the black panther said rubbing away his tear the girl now had tears in her eyes staring at her mother juvia lockser a former member of fairy tail as she laid on her bed shared with her daughter "sylvia come here..." the scarlet haired girl said said in tears staring at her best freind the girl known as sylvia put the exceed down "is mama leaving sylvia?..." the girl asks softly tears rolling down her pale cheeks as the red head had picked her up placing the girl on her lap "I don't want you to cry mama's going to a better place now baby..." juvia replied tears rolling down her own cheek "but mama promised sylvia" the young bluenette reasoned "mama's time is up in this world" she said "god is cruel! sylvia wants to spend more time with her!" the girl yelled juvia smiled touching her daughter's cheek "erza take good care of sylvia she's a very stubborn girl" juvia said turning to her best friends "she's a lot like her father" the bluenette smiled a genuine smile as her husbands face came into her mind "I will juvia" the red head said known as the fairy queen titania in other words Erza S. Fernandez "I know I won't make it erza" the water mage whispered "sylvia doesn't mama to leave she wants to bake more cakes and go play in the meadow with her" sylvia said "I want you to promise me to go find your father let him know about you" juvia said the girl placed a hand on her mothers hand "sylvia promises she will find papa" sylvia said as her mother smiled "his name...." before the water mage finished her sentenced death had taken her "mama don't leave me... please..." she whispered placing her forehead on her mothers hand sobbing "sylvia..." erza said lifting her up "we have to hold a funeral for her" the young water mage stared at her with her now dark black eyes "alright sylvia want's to burry her near the meadows" sylvia said erza nodded as the two set up a mini funeral "what do you plan to do now?" panterlily asks "I'm going to find my father that left us" she replied "sylvia we'll be heading back to the guild" erza said she nodded sitting by her mothers grave not moving an inch.

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