CH.11 7 years later

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sabertooth was as normal as ever lector flew into the guild panting "hey what's up lector?" I ask in my usual voice "Sylvia... hasn't come back from the trials yet! neither have the others!" lector yelled "what?!" we ask "lector where is sylvia now?" yukino asks "she's on tenrou island along with team tenrou" he replied she bolted out of the guild "wait yukino I'm coming with you!" lady minerva shouted running after yukino "the council are there now" lector said.


we ran out of the guild towards fairy tail "hello Sorano? get to fairy tail quick it's sylvia" Minerva said ending the call Minerva barged into the guild "Where is she?!" She asked "ah I guess we won't have to notify you seperately" lahar said "Sylvia?!" Sorano yelled barging in "Ok I'm sorry but we can't find the island it's as if the tenrou island has disappeared we cannot find the mages who have gone for the trial but they were attacked by acnologia" Lahar said "Team tenrou are dead" I felt my whole world crash "no... She can't be... Sylvia's Dead I lost my niece the only person left of juvia" I said breaking down into tears "Sylvia... The girl shone light into my world died..." Minerva said with tears "Yukino! Minerva!" Sting & Rogue yelled "sting she died!" I yelled hugging him "no..." Sorano said as Macbeth hugged her.


"No! She can't die check again They're alive! You're lying!" I said holding lahar by the collar "as much as we'd like they're dead" he said I felt strong hands grab wrapping around me "Minerva calm down" rogue said I cried onto his chest for the first time I cried "rogue she can't be dead" I said ... Minerva-Sama!... Sylvia your smile always made everyone's day... Sylvia's thinks you look prettier without make up and your hair down... You were the first child to not run away from me and actually smile... Don't cry and smile cause you look prettier!.... Sylvia will be pretty lady's friend... Bye!... I miss you guys... I'm happy at fairy tail....

7 Years Later


I felt a hand twitch as I opened my eyes looking around "dad..." I muttered looking at the pink hair he stirred "oh sorry Sylvia..." dad said getting of me I sat up looking to my right to see reds key along with Capricorns I picked red's key up smiling kissing it placing my forehead on it I know you were just keeping your promise to mum but please don't risk your life for me but still I thank you for coming to my rescue at my weakest of moments... my smile widening a warm feeling erupting I will keep my promise no matter what you are also welcome it's my duty as your spirit princess... I felt a soft feeling on my forehead opening my eyes "you're in a happy mood" a familiar voice said I turned "erza-senpai" I said she offered her hand "let's go tell him the truth shall we?" she asks I stared at her edolas sylvia's coming to my mind got it over with he was scared of me I didn't get to hear his answer cause I left him there... you didn't tell him did you? you let it go cause you saw how happy he's ok I didn't have the guts at first but I told him I don't care if he doesn't accept me he probably won't... I need to get this over with I don't care if he doesn't accept me dad needs to know I'm his daughter I took her hand as she pulled me up "I'm not ready yet I'll tell dad once I'm ready..." I replied she smiled nodding in approval.

we walked back to the camp Gray-San seemed nervous "something wrong Gray-ah!" I screamed as he pulled me into a hug "Sylvia storm hates me!" he yelled I smiled hugging him back "talk to him it'll help" I said he pulled away "right I'll go right away!" he shouted pulling me along with him "I'll be back erza-senpai just need to help gray-san!" I yelled "alright then!" she yelled back we stopped standing there "go on storm will understand" I said "here I go" he said walking towards storm I smiled running back to camp "you're back" she said "yep now let's get to work" I said getting out my keys "yeah we'll be for a while" erza-senpai said I smiled stopping at an unusual key "that's weird I don't remember having two Capricorns" I said taking it out "maybe you put it there and forgot" Mira-san said "open gate of the goat Capricorn!" I summoned as the man stood in front of me "what may I do for you princess sylvia?" Capricorn asks "alright Capricorn who's your master?" I ask "well ms. lucy is my master but I remember her giving me to nash" he replied "nash! don't just leave your stuff lying around for someone to pick up later!" I yelled "what?!" nash asks "no I have come out on my own" he said "oh yeah I forgot celestial spirits could do that" I said "you got mad at me for no reason!" nash says "oh sorry for that nash" I said slapping his back "in order for me to keep my promise to your mother the celestial princess I would like for you to be my master princess" Capricorn said "eh?" I ask confused "Princess?!" the others ask "isn't lucy the celestial princess?" dad asks "no it is princess sylvia now that her mother was the actual princess of Celestia since the other three heirs produced by the daughters have declined one isn't even eligible to be the princess so therefore Sylvia is the rightful heir to the throne of Celestia" Capricorn replied they snapped their heads to me "stop staring at me!" I yelled "well it's reasonable since her mother was apart of fairy tail and visited her kingdom with us lucy thought she was Princess Celestia's princess when the king called that mage her heir" erza-senpai said "you knew?!" they ask "of course erza-senpai's been there for me since before I was born" I replied "well ms. sylvia please consider my offer" capricorn said "if it's for the promise then I guess I'll be your master" I said "thank you I am honored to be protecting a princess such as yourself" he said I smiled.

we returned to fairy tail "you guys are back!" wendy-chan said I smiled "oh yeah sabertooth came by a few days ago they were looking for you sylvia" romeo said "I'll go pay them a visit since I never really did visit them before the trials" I said turning "oh there's a letter for you from the council" kinana says handing me two envelopes "thanks I'll be at sabertooth" I said running out to my house putting the letter on my nightstand.

I came out from my warm bath getting into my gray dress with a black ribbon around the waist it also comes with black gloves.

I got brushed my hair into a side ponytail tying my grey ribbon in my hair walking out of my house with my grey shoes "hey sylvia" nash greeted "you going somewhere?" Akito asks "yeah I'm going to visit sabertooth" I replied "I'm coming with you" ...

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I got brushed my hair into a side ponytail tying my grey ribbon in my hair walking out of my house with my grey shoes "hey sylvia" nash greeted "you going somewhere?" Akito asks "yeah I'm going to visit sabertooth" I replied "I'm coming with you" nash said "theres a party at the guild you should probably go there" I said walking "everyone's tired and wants to get home so we're holding a party tomorrow" he said "alright then I guess you can come along" I said.


7 years have passed since they disappeared I felt as if all my life has been sucked out of me but I smile for rogue but still wait for that beautiful warm smile a smile graced my lips as I kissed rogues cheek the guild doors flung open but I ignored it snuggling closer to rogue "Minerva-Sama!" A cheerful voice said Hugging me and Rogue I saw a blonde boy staring at us "Hey uncle sting" Nash greeted I saw her face Sylvia she's back  tears spilled as she simply smiled "I'm alive" She said smiling I felt a smile tugging at my own lips "your alive" I said she grinned at me.

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