The moon shone brightly

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Hey guys sorry its been a couple years but things have gotten in the way... from here on out my account will be more active and better 

this will be a short chapter im sorry.


As we lie there on the blanket, the moon rising and the stars shining, Jacob gets up and announces his surprise.

"I have something to show you... But you may not like it." He says, trailing off in a bout of nervousness. He took a couple steps back and I could see it happening, thick hair grew on him and he fell to all fours, slowly but surely looking more and more like the animal i heard the night of the accident. My boyfriend Jacob is a werewolf.

I know. That sounds cliche thanks to the Twilight series... but he nothing like Taylor Lautner's character. He is very different. He is mine, not anyone else's.

"You're a werewolf??" The creature shook his head. I stared back, questioning the existence of this thing. 

He slowly became more human. Once fully morphed back he uttered, "I'm not a werewolf, I'm a shapeshifter."

"So you can change into whatever you want?" My head was whirling with confusion. I mean I was fine with the werewolf thing but this is just confusing. He seemed worried that I was gonna think differently of him, but I still love him with all my heart and nothing could stop that. 

"Yeah...well, any animal... its weird..." he blushed and looked away.

"Hey,'s ok... you're still as sexy and as attractive as ever and nothing could ever change that...okay? No need to be ashamed, i actually find it pretty cool. " i smiled at him brightly, caressing his cheek.

"So you're fine with...this?" He gestured to himself.

"Of course." I leaned in to his blushing face, giggling as i lightly kissed his cheek. "It may taka a minute to get used to but I'm here for you whenever you need me."

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