Chapter 43: Hyun get me food!

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"Cool!" The girl's giggles as I told them only four of my main quirks.

"Okay girls get away from the man!" Hyun yelled and the girls didn't listen to him. "Hey, he's my best friend! Let me have some time with this bitch!" He snapped.

All the girls quickly backed away from me. "See you later (l/n)-Chan!" The girls waved at me and went back to wherever they came from.

I was still at my desk and it was in the front row near the window. "Okay so I asked the grumpy ass teachers if I could switch seats with Jodi behind you and she said yes. So imma sit behind your ass." Hyun explains.

"Okay, bud."

The rest of the day went great. Except for some girls who would ask me for my number and social media. Of course, I have it then for them to leave me in peace. I walked along with Hyun and he kept babbling on some topic I didn't even know.

As I walked every step started to get heavy. Hyun noticed and helps me walk. We stop by a bench and sat on it. "Did you eat the lunch I gave you?!" He panics.

"I did." I reply. I hold my stomach as I remembered how hard Yuuto punch me.

"What is wrong then?" He asks.

"Hyun get me food." I order and he runs to a store nearby.

He comes back with a pork bun. I eat it and feel my energy coming back. I lift my shirt up and see the huge bruise on my stomach. It wasn't that bad but it still hurt. "Great," I mumble.

Just like my uncle, I got a freaking scar! I heal a bit of my bruise and sigh after I finished. "We need to go to the doctor so they can check it out." Hyun spoke.

"No!" I immediately said. "I can heal this wound. It will heal in a month."

"Okay. But make sure you eat before you use your quirk."


I got home and went straight to see Todoroki on our bed. I drop my bag and crawl on the bed towards him. I hug him and he hugs back.

"Is everything alright?"

I nod my head. "Yup...I'm just tired." I yawn and close my eyes.

"(Y/n)...are you really fine?" He asked.

I don't respond and just fall asleep. I needed my energy to walk and use my quirks.

When I woke up I saw Todoroki gone. He probably went to school. I sat up and thought out going to school but I decided to skip the day. Dad walked in and smiled at me. "You gonna skip today school?"

I nod my head and tell me to rest.

"I'm here!" I heard Hyun voice.

"What?! What are you doing here at my house!" I yell at him.

He stood in front of me. He got on my bed and looked at me blankly. "I brought us food. Your uncle is out on a date with some guy." He held up a bag full of food.

"Did you skip school?" I glare at him.

"N-no..." I could tell he was lying when he stutters.

"Don't lie brat."

"Okay, I did!" He confesses. "Anyway let's eat!" He smiles at me.

"What did you get?" I ask as he sits next to me. He opens the bag and there were drinks and food.

"I packed food for us. I made it too!" He takes it out and spreads it out on my bed carefully.

I look at him

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I look at him. "You made this?"

He blushes. "Yah! Don't judge me! Chihiro likes a guy who can cook."

"I had to go to the store this morning and buy ingredients and then I had like hours of making it! Can't believe it almost took me the whole day."

" can actually do something in your life." I smirk. Again. Hyun used to cook for me back then but stopped when I went to UA. I really missed those times.

"What does that mean?"

I roll my eyes. "Nothing. Let's eat."

We start to eat and I heal my wound after I eat a little. Hyun looks at my wound. "Seems to get better quickly." He touches it.

"It is?" I ask.

He nods his head. I look down at the food and there was the last rice ball. I was about to grab it when Hyun grabbed it and took a bite. I pout. "Hyun-san...could you share with me?"

He looks at me. "Fine." He feeds me and after he does he takes a bite. We both share the rice ball but he feeds.

Todoroki p.o.v

As I entered my room, I see (y/n) with his friend. They both seemed to share rice ball. I look at the bed and there were some food leftover and trash.

I see both of them sharing the rice ball. But when Hyun feeds my boyfriend with his hands. I started to get a weird feeling in my chest.

"Hm! So good! I never knew you can cook well Hyun-ah!" (Y/n) smiles.

"Want the last piece?" Hyun asked.

"Yes please." (Y/n) said cutely making Hyun blush.

I blush to see this sweet side of (y/n). He never acts like that with me. "Okay." Hyun feeds him.

Hyun's thumb slipped in (y/n) mouth and (y/n) licks them. Once Hyun pulls thumb away he licks his thump. "Pretty good, right?" He smirks.

"Hyun-ah! Cook for me again like the old days." (Y/n) spoke.

"You missed it?" Hyun asked. (Y/n) nods. Hyun hugs (y/n). "Ah, I'll make you a bunch tomorrow at lunch! We should eat alone on the roof!"

I quietly walk back and close the door. It's funny how they didn't notice me standing there. I wanted to do something or interrupted them and pull (y/n) away from Hyun. I walk down and sat on the couch. A few moments later Hyun comes down with a huge smile on his face.

Once we lock our eyes, I glare at him. He quickly walks out the door and I walk upstairs to our-(y/n) room. I see him smiling like an idiot. "Oh, your back!" He beams at me.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I frown as I ask him.

"Hyun came and gave me food!" He replies.

I smile a little because at least he said nothing or for no reason. He told me the truth and I felt like I could trust him. I crawl on the bed and hug (y/n) tightly. I kissed his neck and his collarbone.

"A-Ah, S-Shoto." His skin felt warm and I look at him.

He was blushing hard. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks away blushing. "N-nothing."

I smirk and slid my hand in his shirt. "SHOTO NO!" (Y/n) yelled and pushed me away quickly. "Don't ever do that again! Okay!" He glares at me.

"(Y/n) is everything alright?" I ask confused.

"No, I just don't like you touching me like that." He lies.

"I've touched you like that before and you enjoyed it. Why are you lying to me?"

"I don't want you to touch me anymore. Alright." He doesn't look at me in the eye. He looks down at his hands.

"I'm going to my room." I walk out the door and to my rooms. Did he get tired of me already? I walk to my bed and lay down and tear threaten to fall down. I sniff and wipe away my tear.

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