The Cup of Tea

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1. Nihal

2. Sneha

3. Wilson


<Set during the time of the cold war in the US. A stage shows a small yet acceptable apartment. Nihal is sitting at the table, reading a newspaper while sipping his cup of coffee. Sneha is by the kitchen washing the dishes. All seems normal. At least, that's until there was a knock at the door >

Sneha: Nihal, could you get the door?

Nihal: Sure.

<Nihal folds his paper and keeps it on the coffee table and proceeds to open the door. He is fairly alarmed on seeing a well dressed man in a coat, Wilson, at the door>

Wilson: Good Morning.

Nihal: Good Morning to you too.

<A moment of awkward silence>

Wilson: So shall we go in?

Sneha: <Unaware> Nihu...Who is it?

Nihal: I'm sorry I don't think I recognize you.

Wilson: No problem. We haven't met. <Shakes hand and then pulls out his ID> Carl Wilson, FBI.

Nihal: Oh. <The colour ever-so-slightly drains from Nihal's face >

Wilson: Shall we? <Points inwards>

Nihal: Sure. Come in.

<They both come in>

Sneha: <In a surprised, yet welcoming fashion> Nihal who is this?

Wilson: Carl Wilson, FBI.

Sneha: Pleasure meeting you <They shake hands>

Wilson: The pleasure is mine, meeting such a beautiful woman.

Nihal: Please, have a seat.

<Nihal and Wilson sit opposite of each other in the small coffee table. Wilson seems calm and at home. Nihal also appears calm, but is slightly upset. They both sit opposite of each other as if playing a game of poker. Sneha comes with a glass of water>

Sneha: <Giving the glass> Anything else Mr. Wilson?

Wilson: Just a cup of tea, with 2 sugar cubes thank you.

Sneha: Okay. <Goes to the kitchen>

<There's an uneasy silence. Wilson examines the apartment while Nihal just watches Wilson's face. The only sounds that can be heard for a few seconds are that of Sneha washing dishes. Finally Nihal speaks up>

Nihal: So what brings you to this tiny apartment Mr Wilson?

Wilson: Oh just a general check. Uneasy times calls for some uneasy meetings, Mr Kapoor. You would know that wouldn't you?

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