Chapter One

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Everyone has a soul mate. When you finally realize they are your soul mate, you see color again. For some, this is at first sight or a few dates, but in the rare case, it can be months or years. Realizing you are in love with your soul mate is different for everyone. Some realize it suddenly, while others realize it gradually over time. Our two protagonists were the latter. It took the pair two years to realize they were soul mates. Our story starts off like every other one: with a young child wishing for the world.

Paul had missed color since he had lost it ten years ago. He missed the bright yellows and blues of his house, the vibrant leaves of his favorite tree, the various shades of his family's eyes, but most of all, he missed the color of his favorite video game. It had gotten him through middle and high school. His fondest memories were of him huddled in front of his monitor playing for hours and hours. He had just graduated and was working at his local Best Buy. It wasn't the best job, but it paid his bills. That's all he could ask for. He wished for more, but he was content with his life for the moment. He had a loving family, great friends, and a paying job.

He snapped out of his reverie as Connor shouted out his name. They were hanging out at his house playing video games. Connor and he had met a few years ago and had become fast friends. Connor had just gotten a job at this YouTube production company: Hi5 Studios. It sounded like a major upgrade from his previous job at a hardware store. Paul was slightly jealous. He wished he had a cool and interesting job.

"What? Why are you shouting my name?"

"I said that my new boss needs someone to assemble some computers. He asked if I knew anyone, and I said I had the perfect guy for the job. You down?"

"Seriously, of course, I'm down. Do you think he would be interested in giving me a job? My current one is so boring."

"I don't know man. You'll have to see. Anyways, here's his number to call him. He wanted to work out the times with you."

"Thanks, man. I'll give him a call tomorrow."

The two friends got back to the game as Paul's character killed Connor's again.

"Come on, man! Stop spamming!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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