Ich leibe dich 2

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The meeting was over. I called over GIlbird and left.

Back to Ludwigs basement. I sighed at that thought and ruffled my hair.

"Mein gott, I need to find a new place to live, bruder is always lecturing me about having my own house".

I had to admit, it was pretty embarrassing that still lived with my younger brother. HE SHOULD BE EXITED TO BE LIVING WITH A COUNTRY AS AWESOME AS I AM.

I walked to my computer and started checking everything. I saw this one thing

"Friend request from Matthew Williums. "

I clicked "accept" and looked at his profile.

"Ah it's him from ze meeting"

He was sorta cute. As I checked his profile I fell deeper and deeper into a crush.

I was thinking to ask the Canadian out. I mean who wouldn't say yes to a person as awesome as I! I spent all night thinking about him.

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