Moving in

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Kenzie's POV: When we went inside I saw Hayden with a girl and they were making out. Hayden pulled away from the kiss and immediately saw me he started walking over to me "I've been wanting to talk to you, listen I'm really sorry about the whole Annie situation can we maybe get back together?" "What the fuck Hayden I just saw you kissing that girl and now your trying to get back together with me" I slapped him and ran out. Of course, Johnny followed me while Lauren was talking to Hayden. He comforted me as I lay my head on his shoulder. I looked up into his emerald green eyes and he looked back at mine. Before I knew it, he leaned in for a kiss. It was magical, we pulled away from the kiss and went back inside without saying a word, just smiling at each other. Lauren was still screaming at Hayden "that's enough Lauren we can leave now" I said laughing. and she grabbed him on the shoulders and started shaking him then threw him to the ground. "There, now we can leave" Lauren said laughing. Soon we were all laughing. We went back to the Orlando's house. "It's getting kind of late, I'm going to my old apartment to pick up my stuff" I said, Lauren and Johnny nodded as I got in my car and drove off. I arrived at the apartment and thankfully Annie wasn't at the apartment. I left my key from when I used to live in the apartment under the mat in case I ever needed to get in. I unlocked the door and saw a guy laying on Annie's bed, naked. He started to stare at me. "Hey, you're hot" He said slurring his words. He stood up and leaned in for a kiss. I smacked the living daylights out of him as he fell to the floor. "Oh shit" I grabbed my stuff, got back in my car and left. I went back to the Orlando's house. Lauren and Johnny came up to me and both said "We have an idea" in unison. I nodded my head, "Go on" I said. "Rather than having to find a new apartment to live in you can live here!" they both said in unison again. "Hmm, It was always my dream to live with my best friend, not the one that betrayed me like Annie though." I said. "So is that a yes or no" Lauren asked me. "It's a yes!" I said. Lauren and I screamed in excitement as Johnny plugged his ears. "You can stay in my room!" Lauren said as she was jumping up and down. I got my stuff from my car and put it in Lauren's- I mean, our bedroom.
Johnny's POV:
I was sitting in my room, playing guitar, my crush is living with me now, this will be fun.

Dedicated to: purplefacey I love you bitch I ain't ever gonna stop loving you bitch.

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