Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was very late at night, but the imperial study room was still brightly lit. The palace attendants was keeping a completely focused night vigil in front of the door. Waiting at any moment the sovereign King summons them.

Creaking sound. The door opened.

An attendant inside swings his sleeves and barks an order: Prepare the emperors carriage. His Majesty will depart!

The next moment, a well built, tall and slender young man came out of the door. His face wears a cold and stern expression. His brows that were brave and heroic emphasises his weariness for the past few days. Yet it does not lessen the wisdom and authority expressed in his eyes that are filled with great ambition to rule the world.

He sat inside the royal carriage. He wave his hand down to the head attendant and gave his command: Do not go to Lan Xin Palace, head back to my sleeping quarters!

Yes, Your Majesty. The head attendant dutifully responded.

The chief eunuch relayed the orders and the royal carriage was immediately lifted. In front of the carriage are two eunuchs carrying lanterns to light the way and guide the carriage. The pitch black pathway in split second was illuminated with yellow lights. Above the sky, it looks as if the full moon was shifting.

The entourage passes by the long route that leads to the palace of the concubines. Then went through the garden decorated with lush jade colored grass and blossoms of flowers. Afterwards, climbing a green tiled stairs. They stopped in front of a magnificent and spacious palace hall. It was the sovereign Kings sleeping quarters—- Ming Xiao Palace.

Hong Xu steps out of the royal carriage with servants behind him. His foot firmly landed on the ground and a palaces chamberlain appeared on his side and greeted him.

This servant pay respects to his Majesty!

Hong Xu cant help but scowl. Arent you Lan Feis servant?

That is correct, your Majesty. The imperial concubine Lan Fei knows that his majesty is exhausted and personally made the preparation and cooks swallow nest with lotus seed soup for his Majesty. This servant was tasks to deliver it to his Majesty as a midnight snack—-

We[1] understand. You may leave. Hong Xu interrupted his endless rumbling. He let the servant behind him to recieve the food then went inside the palace.

He has not pass through the doorway, when another servant greeted him and said: This servant pay respect to his Majesty.

What do you need? Cant it wait till tomorrow? Hong Xu couldnt contain it any more and scolded in a cold tone.

This slave awaits punishment, pleads your Majesty to be calm. All the beautiful palace maids around them felt terrified and kneels down.

Hong Xu takes a deep breath and said in a calm voice: Rise! You may all leave, let Us[1] be alone in peace.

T/N: Emperors way of addressing themselves

Yes, your Majesty. Allow this servant to leave.

A big bedroom illuminated by more than a dozen lamp stands that penetrates the night with its pearl like shine. These sunlight like rays not only does not brings him warmth, instead it made him feel an incomparable cold.


Servant is here. Your command, your Majesty? Several maid servants came inside. Hong Xus expression was like someone who will go to war, it was cold, terrifying, and threatening.

Who lit the lamps for the tonight?

Answering to his Majesty, its these servants. A pair of trembling maids advances with their head bowed down.

Drag this two mongrels out and punish them with thirty times of flogging, then transfer them to laundry duties.

Two imperial guards accepts the order at once and led the two maids with deathly pale on their faces.

Have all this infuriating pearl lamps removed at once, replace it with candles.

Understood, your Majesty. The servants quickly and efficiently arranges the candles made with sheep fat that burn into a tangerine light.

The people in the room was once again dismissed, Hong Xu watches the flickering flame by himself the with an indiscernible look.

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