chapter one - a fang for a tooth

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Midnight blue fabric blurs behind a cloaked figure as she runs through the buzzing market. Her breath even unlike the huffing lard man who struggles to pursue her agile figure.

"Theif!" his shouts ring out as he slows down no longer able to follow, but the girl had already disappeared from sight having gotten away with her prize. A cloth bundle filled with meat scraps and a loaf of bread.

Walking down a dark alley, her eyes adjust seeing perfectly in the dim light. Walking closer to the dark silhouettes, she plops down on an itchy excuse of a blanket and tosses the goods into the center. 

"Eat up," she said when she saw the flashes of eyes focus on her. "Go on, I already had my share," she said with tender eyes and a smirk before she saw the quick and ravenous movements which lunged for the goods.

~~~ months later ~~~

The cloaked figure lowers her hood as she enters a shop, golden brown hair flowing out as she runs a hand through it. Hazel eyes meeting the shopkeeper's dull ones. 

"What ya here for?" The larger man questions and the girl simply unhooks a pouch from her belt. The jingle of coins could be heard as she places the coins onto the butcher's counter, "to compensate from my last visit here, that should be double worth the amount I."

Before she could finish she hears him growl the words, "stole..." finally realizing who she was. 

"Yes, that is why I've come back to repay you..."

The man only snarls a laugh in response, "I do not know where you come from but that is not how it works around here," he said as he steps out from the counter. The girl only takes a step back surprised by his advancements towards her, but she could not step away quick enough before he grasps her arm twisting it behind her back. Of course, she could have fought back, but she knew fate would not have her getting away so easily. 

"we are going to take a little trip to the castle," he chuckles before she could even mutter out a question. 


In the short time of being in the kingdom, Lux only heard stories of the queen. She heard Queen Aella being compassionate towards her subject, but also stories of her never hesitating to rule with an iron fist. It was even rumored that Queen Aella took down armies with just one mighty glance. 

It would be an understatement to say she was nervous as the man lead her to the castle handing her over to the guards as he requests a council... and just her lucky day the queen was leading it. 

As the man filled out the paperwork she was taken away by a guard. Standing in a new room she then felt hands run down her body and her eyes go wide as she instinctively pulls out a dagger putting it right to his throat. He only chuckles as he stops her arm with ease prying the knife from her hands. "Well you just made my job easier, but a lot less fun," he remarks as he tosses the weapon into a basket.

"Bastard..." Lux growls her eyes seemingly darken.

"Theif," he retorts back,"now hand over any other weapons you have," he says before her notices her reluctance, "you'll get them back after... unless you actually are guilty." His words did nothing to sooth the girl's nerves, but as he reaches a hand out towards her she quickly hands him another dagger and a pocket knife. 

"There we go, good girl," he exaggerates as he ruffles her hair and puts the weapons into the basket. 

"I dare you to treat me like a dog again," she snarks eyebrows furrowing together.

"I did nothing of the sorts! If anything I am treating you like a dragon," he scoffs. A surprised look flashes across her face at the mentioning of the mythical beast before she wipes it off. A knock breaks the silence and a new, older guard comes in. "she is ready for her" he said as he walks into the room. 

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