Brick House

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  Mom pulls up to a towering red building, the color fading from the bricks haphazardly built on top of each other.

There are two very unstable looking steps leading up from the sidewalk onto the porch toward a chipping emerald green door. There's a knock handle on the door with a lotus flower carved into the golden metal. A tangle of weeds climb up the brick walls and a lawn gnome sits in a gnarly bush on the front lawn. The house seemed a bit big for just two people but I wasn't complaining, it just means more room for me. Maybe the kitchen isn't as small as one of our old apartments, or has a kitchen at all, which asshole Bill didn't include in our old bunker.

Mom admired the building with me from the car window. She never showed me the house online but even though she had seen it before, she looked like she was seeing it for the first time just like me.

I stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk. I stretched my back, letting a yawn escape from my mouth. Mom stepped out with me and did the same.

Maybe this would be a good start. A new beginning where things could get better. No more moving, the last start-over. Just this for the rest of our lives.

We've been moving places so much that everything had always felt the same to me. But if we stayed here, things might finally change.

I turn my head and Mom and I exchange smiles. The closest thing to a real smile I've seen her give in a while. Maybe she was thinking the same as me.

We moved to the trunk and began to remove boxes from the car. I picked up a box that read "FRAGILE" in bold red letters since I knew Mom wasn't good with breakables.

I began my descent toward the front door as Mom decided what box to bring up first. She's always been the indecisive type. They're all coming up anyway, why bother picking through each box?

As I step onto the sidewalk the green door swings open, commotion itself running outside.


I gaped and dropped the box from my hands, followed by the sound of shattering glass.

I flinch from the sound as I stare at the form in front of me. A tall, slim guy in only his underwear and socks stands in the doorway. His light scruff and greasy hair makes it look like he hasn't groomed himself in days. He stands proudly with his hands on his hips, the light breeze carrying his stench twenty feet from him and into my innocent, unguarded nostrils.  He gives us a wide grin, his curly bedhead bouncing excitedly as he jogs up to us.

I move in front of Mom, followed by a grunt of resistance from her. She hates when I do that. When I jump in at even the slightest sign of danger. I don't think she's weak or incapable of protecting herself, it's just instinct for me to protect her from harm. If Dad were here I'm sure he would do it too.

The grizzly-looking man walks up to us, swaying from side to side. His body is like a puppet that the puppeteer hasn't figured out how to work yet.

"The name's Barnes." He holds out a bony hand for me to shake and I hesitantly comply, clasping my hand to his clammy one.

He gives me a broad smile and now that he's closer I can see his teeth are a lot nicer than I expected them to be.

I reply with the kind of response you'd give to a stranger who pulled up to you on the side of the road and asks you if you need a ride.

"Austin. And this is my mom D-", Mom quickly and carefully sets her box on the ground and cuts me off, nudging my body aside a little and sticking her hand out.


Barnes comes closer to shake Mom's hand and I'm bombarded by an odor of booze and sweat. His chest hair practically brushing across my face.

Mom gives the man a timid smile and quick handshake, immediately retrieving her hand to her side. I catch a glance of her wiping her palm on her pants.

"Pleasure to meet you both! You just moved from LakeWood, right? Beautiful place I've heard." Mom and I exchange worried looks.

"How did you-?"

Barnes must have heard the alarm in her voice and waves his hands in denial. "Oh no worries, Ma'am, I'm not a creep, just know my way around." He gives a wide smile and puffs his chest, returning his hands to his hips.

Our unease didn't seem to falter after those words.

"Well, don't just stand there, let's get inside! I'll show you around!" Barnes looks down at our boxes, "Oh! Lemme help with those!"

Words of protest begin to leave our mouths but Barnes is already to the trunk and piling boxes in his arms. I flinch as he adds a box reading "FRAGILE" to the top of his stack.

He turns away from the trunk and almost trips stepping onto the sidewalk. I hold my breath as he makes his way towards the house.

I almost forget about my own fallen box but Mom frowns at me and points to it on the ground, the cardboard bent and chipped. I chuckle and shrug sheepishly.

She rolls her eyes and picks up her own box, walking up the sidewalk before I follow suit.

As we walk up the steps I take in more of Barnes' appearance as he holds open the door for us.

Under his scruff he has a pretty sharp jawline. His eyes are a crystal blue that could easily make anyone forget about his messy hair, with thin lines lightly protruding from the creases of his smiling eyes.

I almost trip over the door frame as I enter the house, having lost focus from carefully observing the odd man.

Barnes closes the door behind us and moves to the front of the line, slapping his big feet on the hardwood floor. He has a weird way of walking; his arms are sort of held away from his body and his feet are always pointed the slightest bit outward.

Mom and I exchange glances again, though quickly interrupted by the sound of Barnes loudly calling for us to follow him.

As we turn a corner from the entrance way we're bombarded with a beautiful lounge. The walls are a breathtaking emerald green and lamps hang in each corner near the ceiling, the light held in shining gold bases. Brown antique furniture decorate the dark hardwood floor and blue curtains with gold trim drape over the massive window on the right wall. On the left is a large opening to the kitchen near the back wall, a line of computers standing on a long, dark table beside it.

It's beautiful. Well, it would be if it wasn't completely trashed.

The entire room is covered in rubbish from floor to ceiling. Clothes and garbage litter the floors and furniture, while empty bottles and wrappers cover the stairs by the entrance way. There was even a sock hanging from one of the golden lamps. It was like a dream house, except the dream was sinking in flaming shit.

"Here's the crib! The main hang. Mi casa es su casa. Follow me to the kitchen, travelers!" Barnes waves his hand and twirls around, heading towards the kitchen.

Mom and I take a deep breath, preparing ourselves before following him.

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