Day 4 🤸🏼‍♀️🤽🏽‍♀️

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Day 4 🤸🏼‍♀️🤽🏽‍♀️ Pat 1

*zzz* *zzzz* *zzzz* *zzz* 📱 *ZZZ* 💬 "What the fuck man?" I said as I yawned. I look to the right of me and I see the kids and Donte still sleeping. *zzz* *zzz* ! I can hear my phone vibrating like crazy! I look around thr room and finally see my phone on the night stand. When I see it I have 6 missed calls from Nessa and a message saying "Im outside". I called Nessa back as soon as I saw it

Nes: Damn girl!
Me: I was sleep I'm sorry!
Nes: I banged on your door and all..
Me: I'm not home I-
Nes: I told you I was coming in the morning for Anna !
Me: I'm upstairs
Nes: Upstairs
Me: You still here?
Nes: Yes ma'am. I figured you would pop up.
Me: Okay coming..

I hang up and get out the bed then I eased Anna up. She still sleeping and drooling! I walk out the room and I hear Donte "Where you going?" I turn around and sleep all on his face. "Gonna walk Anna downstairs to her aunt. You know today is the party and she not going. Im coming back" He said okay and disappeared back into the room. I walk out Donte's apartment, downstairs, pass my apartment, downstairs to the parking lot and I see Nessa is driving the Charger.

Me: Ooouuu shit you can drive it?
Nes: Of course!
Me: That's the benefits of being a good mistress to the husband and the wife?
Nes: I'm living my best life (does a Cardi B face)
Me: You stupiiiiid

We laugh and I put Anna in the back. Now, Nessa just started actually spending time with Anna this week and she actually seems to be growing a bond with her. Nessa has the car seat from Jerod's car in the backseat of the Charger. I strap Anna in and she opens one eye, my baby was looking crazy with her sleepy face ass. I kissed her on her forehead qnd closed the car door. I told Nessa bye and walked back to Donte's apartmemt to the smell of breakfast being cooked. I see him and his son are up. He picks his son up and says "Junior this is our neighbor Ms. Kera" his son hides his face. "Aww he shy" I said in a baby voice and his son laughed.

Don: He's only use to his mom and other female family members.
Me: Well, that's only right since his daddy not a hoe. Right?
Don: Only if you make me one..
Me: Is that a warning.
Don: It's a fun fact.
Me: Whatever...

We hear a knock at the door. Donte puts his son down to answer it. He opened the door and quickly rushed outside...

To Be Continued....

Day 4 🤸🏼‍♀️🤽🏽‍♀️ Part 2

Donte disappeared out the door. Now, being friends with a person like Shayla 🤔 I was not finna sit in the house! Pause ⏸ Shayla big dumb ass was still sleep in my house this whole time. Play ▶️ I snatch the door open and it's a older woman that looks like she could be his mom. "So this the little bitch you had jump on my daughter?" she said pointing dead at me. "Ms Sabrina, nobody jumped on yo daughter" Donte said putting his right arm in front of me. I moved his arm out of my way.

Me: Yea I did jump on yo daughter... Did she tell you she was jumping on my man?
MsS: Donte was not your man.
Me: I never said Donte.
Don: Stop Kera..
Me: What the fuck for ? This old ass lady come banging on yo fuckin' door and calling me out my name and shit!
Don: Ke-
MsS: Little girl if I was your mama I'd beat your ass up and down these apartments !
Me: Drop you just like I did yo daughter! Take yo old ass home and tell yo fuck ass daughter I said run it! Again!

I see it all in Donte's face he did not like how I was handling the situation but there was no talking to that woman. The way she came at us mean she wanted blood! I'm not going to sit here and let some old ass woman I don't know call me bitches and hoes blowing that senior breath on my face. Niecy's mom is like 5'2 weighing 120lbs she's kind of shapely and dark skin. I'm 5'8 weighing 158lbs in the prime of my life 🤔.

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