Chapter 1: The Tiger Cub

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Carter's POV
I woke up, banging my head on the bunk above my bunk.
Rubbing my head, I head over to the sink and splashed water on my face.
When I looked up at the mirror, all I saw was all the scars that has been given to me for six years.
I turn away from the mirror in disgust, pulling on a shirt, I winced in pain as the shirt rubbed against all the fresh scars.

Wayne's POV
"This base is tough! Any other ideas, tin brain?!" I yelled at Tony Stark aka Iron Man as I crouched down shielding Natasha Romanov aka Black Widow from flying debris as she reloaded her guns.
"I'm thinking!" yelled Tony Stark as he beamed through the wall in the back.
"Well, hurry! We're losing ground! Hawkeye, do see Thor? If you do, tell him to get his ass down here! Bucky, go cover Iron Man. I think they figured out where he went! Antman and Wasp, go find Cap and tell him we need him! Black Panther, get to the top of the building and take Black Widow with you! Spiderman, we need webbing on the front of their guns! HULK, WHERE ARE YOU?! Get over here and start smashing! Pietro, go help Spiderman! Scarlet Witch, use your magic. Make them see their worst fears!Loki, make some illusions! NOW!" I yelled as teammates went to their assigned positions.
"Thor's coming in at 4:30, so heads up!" Hawkeye yelled as soon as Thor hit the field.
"Thor, you and I take care of this mess once and for all!" I yelled over the gunshots in his ear.
He nodded and we began fighting when Cap and Hulk showed up and joined the fight.
A resounding boom from the back swept everyone back.
Then everything went dark.
Hawkeye's POV
I held onto the tree for dear life as the resounding boom from the back knocked everyone back.
I winced as I saw Wayne take a really hard hit with a broken brick to the head.
"Tony, are you trying to us or Wayne? Cause you just knocked the lad right out," yelled Thor, kneeling next to Wayne.
"Guys, someone just ran into the jungle. Black Panther, can you see who it was? I'm going to take Wayne back to the jet. Over and out." I said as Black Panther nodded and took off into the jungle.

Carter's POV
I ran through the dense undergrowth, trying to lose my chaser.
I sensed him enter the jungle when I was crossing the river.
Hearing a quiet meow, I froze and tilted my head, listening for it.
When I heard it, I took off in the direction it came, surprising my chaser with sharp turns and jumping over logs and other obstacles.
When I came into the clearing, I saw Siberian tiger cub on a piece of wood that was heading straight for a waterfall.
I kicked it into high gear and took off to the edge of the cliff, reaching it at the same time as the cub was going over.
I jumped off and plummeted towards the cub and whoever was chasing me shouted something that I didn't hear.
I grabbed the cub and using my super strength, I shot up the waterfall, using the rocks as footholds until I reached the top and landed on the other side of the river when someone whispered"Carter? Is that you?"
I spun around to face a large muscular man with blonde hair and hammer.
He wasn't the one who spoke, though, it sounded more Wayne.
That's when Wayne stepped out from behind the guy with the hammer and slowly approached me.
"W-Wayne? But, how? They told me that they killed everyone I knew." I said, as memories from my past flooded back.
Wayne started to speak when I heard a tranquilizer arrow zipping towards us then I saw it heading towards Wayne.
From the way it was designed, it the kind they used on me.
It could easily kill Wayne and I wasn't going to let that happen.
I jumped forward and pushed Wayne towards the hammer dude and the tranquilizer arrow hit the side of my neck.
Immediately, I realized that they knew that I would take for a friend so they put more in to make it look like the same amount.
I pulled it out of my neck and realized while this dosage can kill an average person, this would knock someone like me out for five weeks.
I stumbled and fell into the rapidly flowing water.
Everything went blissfully black.

Tony Stark's POV
Realizing that with Wayne's best friend unconscious, the fall could kill him.
As I shot over the edge, following Carter as he plummeted to the ground, I thought I won't let Wayne suffer the loss of losing a friend. I wasn't able to save my friend but I can save my adopted son's best friend.
I caught Carter before he hit the ground and blasted back over the edge to where the Avengers stood and handed over Bruce when a little tiger cub jumped onto Carter's chest and curled up.
"I didn't expect you to do that dad but thank you for saving Carter," whispered Wayne, hugging me then he went to sit next to the stretcher.
I turned around to see the Avengers staring at me in surprise.
"What?" I said, annoyed.
"Its just, that was something that I didn't expect you to do, Tony," said Percy, with a slight smile as he walked past me into the helicarrer then he tossed over his shoulder, "I'll be helping take care of Carter as well, so call if you need me, Uncle Tony."
I sighed and looked at the rest and raised my arm towards the helicarrer, "Coming or not?"

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