30 Days of Brain Torture

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Authors Note: Hey guys! Jess here!! I am dreading yet also super excited for this challenge. Now I have a warning for you; these May not come out daily for two reasons, 1. I am a perfectionist and cannot just produce 700 words without re-writing it at least three times; and 2. I am starting back in my third term of year 12 so I won't have much time. I promise however, that I will upload at least every 2-3 days! Alrighty! So my minimum will be 700 words and my max 2,000 (unless a challenge has a specific word limit) or this could take a while to complete! Forgive me if the first few aren't very good, I have a hard time writing less then 5,000 words for a chapter let alone a whole story haha. So this is like a double challenge, yay!


DISCLAIMER: This challenge is not mine, I do not own any of the following suggestions. Thank you!


Here are the challenges! Woohoo!!

Day 1: Re-write a classic Fairytale.

Day 2: Write a fan-fiction.

Day 3: A story that takes place pre-1950.

Day 4: A poem using the words: blue, mistrust, half, twang.

Day 5: A story revolving around an object in your room.

Day 6: Start your story with: "He glanced at his watch impatiently..."

Day 7: Create a superhero. Have he/she save the day.

Day 8: Write a prequel to that Superhero. Pre-Superhero life. Maybe their childhood.

Day 9: A story in 230 words or less about your favourite city.

Day 10: Start your story with: "She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled..."

Day 11: A story where the characters go without power for the day.

Day 12: Find 10 random words and create your own definitions.

Day 13: Begin with: "I thought I saw..."

Day 14: Randomly find a person in your yearbook. Create a story about their life today.

Day 15: Write about a stranger you see. Either a back story or what they are thinking about in the moment you see them.

Day 16: Go to iTunes, put your music on shuffle. Write a story about the first song that comes up. (250 words or less).

Day 17: Use time travel in a story.

Day 18: A story set in a ghost town.

Day 19: Write an obituary for a historical figure.

Day 20: Use these words in a story: grandfather, photo album, post office, and folder.

Day 21: He/she sees their crush in a library, describe the incident.

Day 22: Write a story based on a dream you had.

Day 23: Describe/fictionalise a childhood memory.

Day 24: Write a story that takes place 100 years in the future.

Day 25: Write a story about a mythical creature.

Day 26: Write about the 30th picture on you phone or computer. Write about the story behind it or make up the story behind it.

Day 27: Story taking place at a sporting event. (Any kind of sporting event).

Day 28: Story on a ship. Past, present or future.

Day 29: Story about space.

Day 30: Story or poem about ice.


A/N: The first should be up by tomorrow, and if not then they next day!

Stay pretty my lovelies!!

Jessmikahh xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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