Chapter 1

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My alarm rang. I sat straight up and ran my hand across my messy brown hair. I yawned and checked the time. 5:00a.m.

"Crap," I muttered to myself. I was late for the school. I literally jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom of our plain white, one floor, cube house. All houses were like that at.

I dressed in a black and white dress with a lace in my hair. We are only allowed by the Government to wear black, white, and/or grey clothes.

I saw Mum reading the Monday newspaper provided by the Government.

"Good morning, Mum," I greeted my mother wearing grey pajamas.

She smiled at me and said, "Good morning, Tara."

I got myself a Food-In-A-Tube. I squirted out the grey paste. I took a white plastic spoon and stuffed some salty paste in my mouth. This is also provided by the Government. The Government is kinda doing everything for us. In return, they make us spell "government" with a capital "G".

"Mmm....." I said to Mum. "What flavor is this?"

"Oh, that's fresh salt flavor, sweetie," she replied.

"I love it!" I exclaimed with my mouth half full.

After eating, I rushed down to the bus stop. My friends, Kiara Stevenson and Adam Wieldoscüart were there.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted them.

I squeezed in the middle of the two and Adam put an arm around me.

"You look beautiful, Tara!" he said.

He was wearing black slacks and a white button down shirt.

"You look nice too," I said.

Kiara was wearing a grey Sunday dress.

"You look brilliant too, Kiara," I complemented.

Then, our grey, rectangular bus came.

6:00a.m. We arrived at school just in time.

We were lined up in the courtyard. We sang the national anthem of Switsxylovania, our country and home land. Then, we sang a song thought to us by the Government about praising the Government.

Then, we had our first class; Government Education. Sometimes I wonder about this "Government"...

(A/N): Heeeeeyyyyy sardines. Third book is here! Read, comment and vote!!!!!! P.S. This is not a romantic book.

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