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>Cybertron language<


:Comm link:

Stormclash's POV

Me and my cousins Skyburst and Moonheart are running away from Decepticons that are trying to shoot us down.

I saw a small ship that can fit all three of us. We ran into the ship and Skyburst started to fly it. We left our home planet.

"Stormclash that was a close one." Moonheart said to me.

"Yeah that was." I said to her.

"Were must we go?" Skyburst asked.

"Earth." I said.

~12 hours later~

We landed on earth or more like the mud planet. Our ship crashed landed so our ship was destroyed.

We walked out and saw trees and a road. Then we saw tree cars come our way I search what kind of cars they were and I scanned one of them.

I scanned a 2017 Corvette Grand Sport. Skyburst scanned a Audi R8 and Moonheart scanned a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

I was neon blue with a black strip going over my whole frame.

Skyburst was white with purple all around her car.

Moonheart was red  with orange around her frame.

We transformed into our cars and drove away from where we crashed. We had to get to the Autobots.

"Lets fined the Autobots and join our familys again." I said as we drove.

Sideswipe's POV

Jazz, Dino, Sunstresker and I were walking around the bace or for me I had wheels as peds.

Then all of a sudden an alarm went off, we went to see what is happing.

"What is going on Ratchet?" Chromia asked.

"It looks like three Autobots just crashed landed in earth." Ratchet said not looking at us.

"So were are they?" I asked.

"They are just outside of Chicago."  He said as Optimus walked in.

"What is happing here?" Optimus asked us looking at Ratchet.

"Three Autobots landed just out of Chicago." Ratchet said looking up at Optimus.

"I want Sideswipe, Jazz, Sunstresker and Jolt to go and get them." Optimus said looking at the four of us.

"Finally the twins can stop bothering me for awhile." Ratchet grumbled out loud.

"Alright we'll see you in a couple hours." Jazz said as we walked out of the room.

"I'm sending there location to you all." Ratchet said as I get a certain location.

"Lets go! Move humans!" Sunstresker shouts as he transforms into his yellow Lamborghini Aventador SV.

I transformed into my silver Chevrolet Centennial Corvette Convertible. The rest transformed with me as we speed out of the bace.

4 hours later

:How much further?: I asked getting bored of riding for 4 hours.

:We are here Sideswipe so stop your complaining: Sunstresker said to me.

:Thanks Sunny: I said as we came to a stop and transformed.

"Stop calling me that you frager!" Sunstresker said getting angry.

"Stop fighting they close." Jazz said looking around.

Stormclash's POV

We drove for at least 3 hours or so and I wanted to stretch my peds. We stopped and transformed but no humans or whatever you want to call the flesh bags.

"How far are we to finding the Autobots?" Skyburst asked stretching.

"About 4 hours the most." I said looking around and that is when I heard talking but it wasn't from us it was from somewhere else.

"Keep quite there is someone here lets see qhi it is." I whispered to them and they nodded there helms and followed me quitly.

They were talking in another language so I search that language on the world wide web. It was English so I downloaded into my vocabulary and so did Skyburst and Moonheart.

"Stop fighting they close." A white one with two blue stripes said.

They kept quite. I turned to Sky and Moon and showed them a signal that said surround them.

Moon stayed were she was and I moved closer to were the silver and yellow bots were and Sky moved to the blue bot. They didn't hear us or see us and the silver and yellow bots kept on bicuring.

:Get them down in the floor: I said to  Sky and Moon.

:Ok: The said at the same time.

I got my silver twin blades out the had markings on and had a bit of gold on them.

I walked silently behind the two bicuring bots quth out them noticing. I put my blades at the back of the neck cable's so if they move I will hurt them.

"Who are you? Are you working for Megatron?" I asked in Cybertronian.

"No we are not working for that piece of scrap metal." The silver one answered.

"We are Autobots." The white one with blue strips said to us.

I moved my two blades awayfrom the two bots necks and Sky and Moon let go of The two other bots. They all turned to us.

"Arn't ya pretty thin'." The white one with blue strips said.

"I am Sideswipe and this is my twin Sunstresker." Sideswipe said pointing to the yellow mech.

"That is Jazz." Sideswipe said pointing to the white mech with blue strips.

"And that is Jolt." Sideswipe said pointing to the blue mech.

"We do understand English and I am Stormclash but call me Storm. That is Skyburst the one that is white with purple and that is MoonHeart the black femme with white." I said in English.

Sideswipe's  POV

The neon femme that had a bit of black was hot. Her frame was small compared to my frame.

She had curves in the right places and her optics are glowing bright with light.

She was a beautiful femme. I looked at Jazz and said to him that we have to take them back to bace.

We all transformed and drove to bace which will take 4 hours again. As we drove back to bace I was looking at storm she drove gracefully and Sky and Moon as well.


Thank you for reading this is my first time writting a book.

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